Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday November 5

Yesterday I stay back to do writing to my family and cooking.

I write a good a positive letter to my family.

I cooked in the microwave some small peppers I purchased.

I cooked integral fast cooking rice, it only takes 20 minutes to make.

I cooked chicken breast according to Alex recipe.

First it got seared on the stove in a pan. Then afterward I cooked in the oven for 40 minute.
Lightly seasoning.

The whole is really delicious and nutrient.

Simple cooking.
My Case Manager drape was keeping  me company together with NPR Internet Radio station.

I like lessening to NPR whenever I am at the apartment as it involves me in the news of the worlds together with many interesting aspects of the California life.

I had my Italian Style Dinner thanks to Jolanta's thoughtfulness as the Italian style table drape is a gift  from her.

In between I have been reading the Economist Magazine.
This is about the Bitcom technology that is being deployed trough out the world.

My Sister and Mom where in Fano, Italy.
They were down there checking out our summer house. For the short staying they rather have been at a local hotel. Better that way.
Here are pictures of their visit to Fano.

This is the beach and the Adriatic sea.

This is my mom Marta

This is my sister Isabella

A selphie for the both of them

At home at the apartment I had a good breakfast

As it was a Thursday after Breakfast I had my Money Management program fulfilled.
CNS gives me $24 for outing and $75 for grocery.
Simona gives me the extra money for grocery that I  need. It is called making use of a Personal Account.

As usual this morning I did my little stroll in the park and took this great Pano picture.

Also I snapped a couple of good shots for the local flowers at the apartment

I read the newspapers here at AAC, at 11 had Yoga with Amy, thank you Amy for your thoughtful kindness and practice.

Afterward I had lunch outside under the patio. You recognize the same things as my dinner last night.
It means it is all good and yummy.

This is  as shot from the current weather.

Today I purchased a pin at the reception and gave to Catherine the receptionist at the Mont Vernon clinic, It is for her daughter. It is a gesture of appreciation for her kindness and good humor with me.

Next week on Tuesday November 10 I will be going to the Neurologist Dr. Helvie.

I am looking forward to talk with him about my condition.
I am curious to learn more on the connection between my injury and my body's functionality.

I am going to work on my database for CNS and Lisa

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