Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday March 31 2016

Yesterday I came back at the CNS apartment (I have been residing there since January 2012).

 Of course it is a temporary situation.. everybody knows it it is temporary of course.. needless to point this matter out.  Let's believe as well on  the story that dragons do fly in the sky. Let's believe as well in fairy tails..

I  cooked myself a good dinner... I learnt to take care of the apartment as if it were...a real house for me. Oh yes It is a real home. I am independent after all, I cook by myself I clean after myself, I take my own meds, I do my own grocery shopping list and take care of my well being..

I cooked Salmon with seasoning.   I used bread crumbs, spices and olive oil to cook the salmon.
My mother in law Anna recommended to use this seasoning.

As a side I prepared arugula salad, carrot and pearl tomatoes.

I talked to Amanda today.. I apologize for not wanting to go to volunteering job today.
Her husband has been so nice to me and I want to pay back his kindness as soon as possible.

She mentioned she understands and we will be catching up during the next week.

I have received the following pictures from my friends in Europe.

It is of a reunion in Paris where Marco, his wife Marie-France leave.

You can see the French flag on the background.

Alberto (in dark blue shirt) went to visit Marco, Marie-France.

The picture below is from the family of Alberto and of  his wife Ana.
They were at Cadiz for the Easter Holiday.

Last evening  I picked my schedule,  signed for the movie on Thursday and then went to the gym
It was my day for  cycle with Cassie

She told me that her grandma is relying on her dad to get things completed in the house.

After cycle I had body pump with Sylvia.
 I stayed light and did my very best. focusing on repetition and global fitness.. 

My current ambition is to stay fit and to protect my body along this process.

After my work out I was feeling great. Energized and full of good will.

Alex too me there and then at 7 pom came to pick me up.. I was ready for him

I came back to the apartment in the van with Nick.. another patient. It is a fact that I was not alone in the van.. 

Today I had money management done ( It is pay day for me)
Pay day for me is $75 for grocery and $24 for outing. 
I have been flat as a pay for a long time..needless to  point this matter out.

I walked in the park, then helped around Doug with the trash... yes I have such a good attitude I am taking the trash out most of the day,, it does not belong to me as I am taking my own, it belong to somebody else and it is left at the second floor for whoever has the heart of trowing it.

Anyway I noticed these beautiful flowers.. could not ignore their beauty..

Simona has been taking the boys to school as usual.

Yes I called this picture Nosce  Ipsum

I have never received any picture of my family spontaneously sent by them.

It is perhaps something I am not worthy of.. oh yes they are too busy to think about it..

Solidad means not having any pictures to share other than the usual ones

Imagine what you can do with the ones coming from your own family.

Mon amour this statement  is for you, you have been so unwilling to share with me anything of your day.

During lunch Marco Called me from France. He is a real friend.
He mentioned that his family is doing very well. His wife is very happy with her activity at work.
He sounded  thoughtful about his own work experience.

He told me that with his company he decided to part away with him.As a result he is going to try something new.
His company is offering him an outplacement service to use for his next move.

Marco mentioned that he already  had a couple of meetings to review the situation.

He is considering his options, he feels full of optimism about his capability.

He mentioned he does not know yet what his future will look like, yet he fells he is going to make the best about his own opportunity. He set his mind in not rushing into anything first but in taking the time to review and to consider his current and best options.

He was talking about my family. Aside  from telling him that they  alright.... we talked about Easter
Well we reviewed the Easter activity
Enjoy and good luck to you Marco  believe in yourself and stay healthy.

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