Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday July 22 2016

Yesterday I came back at the apartment after therapy

I cooked myself chicken with broccoli

I seasoned the chicken and the broccoli

For cooking I am using Coconut Oil

I wrote a  letter to my family.
As always in English and block letters for the boys.
It is interesting because we all speak Italian among ourselves. The boys being born in US  learnt at school to read and write English.

A good letter to encourage the boys to be strong and to keep following my wife Simona in life.
Her example and guidance is what matters to the whole family.

Finally I went to the gym.

I had Zumba..
Yesterday Caroline took over Mike's spot.

It is a fun and great sport to do for me.
A lot of cardio, some jumping (with care) a lot of bending which is good for me.
In a fun and pleasant way. I enjoy the music and the enthusiastic approach of the people at the gym

I enjoy very much the environment and the fitness.

In the following  picture myself in orange, Caroline with her great hat, Saira in pink and Norman in blue shirt next to me. They all granted permission for this picture.

They are all people at the gym that are good  familiar people.

After Zumba I had cycle with Britney. I  set my bike's saddle on high to fully extend my legs.

Static cycle is a fun sport. Britney motivates the class. Sh
e makes sure to make the experience as close to reality as possible. The cycle's resistance is modulated according to her instruction.

By the tone of her voice I can hear she is a teacher used to teach at school.
She is providing clear instruction in a soft and resolved tone. Well I  like her style anyway.

Before leaving I asked to snap a picture, then stretched and went back to the apartment.

I went back to the apartment, got a banana shake with protein and went to sleep.

I waited for nursing to give me my sleeping meds.. I had a  good night.

I slept well and this morning wake up ready for my day.

Don't ask me about my dream as I can never tell you about it.

 I simply stopped dreaming at night it means my meds are making me sleeping very soundly.

My healthy breakfast

Cooked cereal, cold cereal with blueberry and milk. Some coffee with frothed milk.

My morning PT at the park, enjoying the day and breathing steadily and calmly as I got used to do in any situation.

The great flowers at the apartment

By the way, at the apartment James and his crew are always making sure I have a lot of fun whenever I see them .. good job James and all the others

Homes of Hope is next

At Homes of Hope it is a busy day for everybody.
Tomorrow there is an event planed. So everybody is busy with the task of getting the place ready.

I came here got lunch  witch chicken tights, a healthy salad, tangerine an apple.

Simona called me to let me know the family has arrived at Newark airport from Rome.

Their layover is four hours long.
 They are going to take the plane to LAX.

Simona mentioned the family is  going to be back in La Canada by midnight tonight.

I talked to our  kids, both Chicco and Lapo are well.

Chicco is 11 years  old while Lapo is 7 years old.

Simona mentioned the boys are doing great.
I mentioned them that when I see them I have two big packs of letters for them to read.

Simona mentioned the boys enjoyed their stay in Italy very much.
They are going to be happy to be back home.

Simona mentioned the boys are leaving in the present moment 

meaning they like their present activities.

Something to take example from.

In the meanwhile my mother is enjoying herself in Fano at the seaside.

She mentioned she is doing her best to stay active. She is coping with her current limitations.

My mom sent me this picture from the beach. A German tourist worked on the sand  in making this artistic  composition.  

Great Sand castle.

My mother mentioned that she is spending her time by going at the beach and that when she feels staying for a long day she does so.

In the evening she attends some  events organized in the town for the tourists.
At time they have shows in Piazza. It is a simple and genuine way to entertain the people in Fano.

For the ones who wants more dynamic environment the place offers them a choice to go there.

As the family has just arrived back in US from Europe I believe they will have a lot of things to restart their activity in US.
I shared this view with Simona on the phone as well.
The kids' activities come first, the house needs to be restocked (food and supply).
I believe a trip to CostCo is worth the time.

I am going to have a very busy weekend.

Tonight I  have my gym again... I don't want to stay away from it for too long.

On Saturday morning the normal tasks of the weekend: grocery shopping, cleaning the whole apartment, cooking writing.

I feel that all this physical exercise is giving its results. I walk better than before, I am more stable and more centered on what I am doing.

All the hand writing is helping with my small movement control. 

I still have difficulties running as I can not jump yet but hey I am trying to improve my overall physical fitness after all.

Trying is all you can do.. accepting the current limitations.. yes it is accepted.
moving on along this journey is what I am determined to do.

For instance my memory book is always with me.. I take note about my current life 

Enjoy the reading 
Have a great weekend

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