Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday July 12 2016

Yesterday evening after therapy I came back to the apartment.

Earlier I  had made a lentils soup.

I had  dinner.

 I  still had lentil soup. I added shredded Parmesan cheese and Olive Oil.

I made a rich  salad: carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, spinach, trail mix and green apple. Dressing: Olive Oil and Balsamic vinegar.

A couple of slices of brown bread.

All good in fiber and filling in nutrients.

I then went to the gym.

I had Yoga with Lilli. I did my very best in balancing on my legs.. I am working on my balance and in being able to bend more and more my legs.

In Yoga we did a lot of exercise for generally stretching all the body main muscle,

Being kind with yourself and always speak highly of others.
A good will practice I like it very much.

Afterward I had cycle with Lolita. This is static cycle of course. Lolita is  inviting the class to regulate the resistance of the bike. In this way the class simulates a real ride on the street with a lot of hills.
At cycle I talked to Maria. She is a person of the  local community I learn to appreciates.

I told her that the boys mentioned they do not want to come back to US as they like too much being in Italy. She smiled and mentioned she understands their point of view.

Maria mentioned that she is at work today. She has a meeting. She  works for the teacher's union.

It is all well. After leaving more stretching of course.

Miss Channell took me to the gym and then back from  it.
 She has a very nice attitude  and I appreciated very much her  approach.

Once at the apartment I had a  healthy post work out shake:  Hemp protein, a banana and milk.
Mixed all with the column mixer I have at the apartment.

Replenishing my body after the  exercise.

I slept well and obviously wake up at 6am.

Got my day going.

I made a very good breakfast.
I cooked Oatmeal, strawberries, with cereal and milk.

A cup of coffee with frothed milk.

At the AAC I read the newspapers.

The local news of the high speed train.
The new prime minister in UK. Her name is Theresa May.

At AAC the director has a new hair style.

I think it fits her well.

This morning Lupe came to check on the housekeeping needs of my apartment.
I showed her the things that were requiring her attention,
She mentioned she is going to take care today while I am in therapy.

As always this morning I enjoyed very much my stroll at the park. 
It is a nice and hot day in Southern California.

I am meeting always good and nice people from the community.

I am greeting them and we all go after our own business.

I am walking better with long strides and strength. Calibrating  my steps and replenishing my lungs at every moment..

It is all well. Simona abroad in Germany. Attending a conference in Atmospheric Science

Enjoy the reading

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