Thursday, July 7, 2016

Thursday July 7 2016

I just had a call from Simona.

She is back in Rome after that much travelling.

I talked with our kids. They like staying in Rome: the friends, the environment, the food.

They just discovered the Sicilian type  breakfast: Brioche and gelato.

 Elena brought back from Sicily the brioche.

Yesterday I wrote a letter to my boys

 I also went to the gym after distributing the new schedule for the week.

I  booked for the movie on Saturday.

I then went to the gym: Cycle with Cassie (static cycle) and then body pump with Naomi.

Cassie showed me how to stretch my right back  muscle that has been giving me a lot of pain recently. It is something related to my back.. while stretching and keeping a good posture it is feeling better and better.

Anyway I feel it is an on going  physical exercise for me.

I had money management completed today.

Walked in  the park, helped around at the apartment at my best.

A nice lady brought me today some Chinese Currency.

As I showed her the other day that I had kept a Chinese coins from a trip of mine to China.

It happened many years ago just before my accident. So I do not remember much about it.

Here is a picture of the RMBs she brought to me.

It is worth about a dollar. Thank you for the kind gesture of consideration.

I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope in Bakersfield.

Everybody is very nice with me. I like the environment.

Today I brought stickers to everybody.. Whenever I am here I always have stickers for the kids.

It makes my day being able to bring a bit of thoughtful joy in the kids here at the center.

I have been completing my job over here. Brandon is always able to find me a good and interesting job.

I had a good lunch: I had a good thin chicken breast breaded that I cooked yesterday at the apartment.

I then had a healthy salad with spinach, cucumber and chopped apples.

A couple of  slice of brown breads.

It is all good.

Earlier I talked with Simona, they are doing great at home in Rome until Sunday.

She is staying in Rome with the boys

Where is she heading next?

She is going to be busy in Hamburg Germany.

Over there she is visiting the Mark Plank Institute. Her former PhD thesis advisor  Bjorn Stevens (pictured below) has become the director of the Institute

On her agenda are two seminars during the visit.

While in Germany he is going to stay as a guest with Bjorn's family.

I remember when we all used to leave in Westwood- near UCLA.
We had a condo in Camden Avenue and they had a nice house at the edge of the campus.

We used to see each other more frequently.

Bijorn's family is well known. Her two daughters are fully grown teenager.
Her wife Andrea is originally from Germany.

I guess they all will talk about each other families and of course about how the research is going.

 I am sure it is a success story for the both of them.

Simona will show how tall the boys have become.

Our eldest Chicco is as tall as Simona, and he is not done yet.

Lapo is following suit his brother.

They both have good genes.

Enjoy the reading

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