Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thursday July 22

I had a very rough night last night.

The reason I had a rough night is because  I had a very poor experience with the CNS van.

I  was taken back from the gym in a van with recyclable from another patient...
Certainly picked from the trash and places like this as he is normally doing..

The suggestion is for me to go by myself at the gym without CNS around..

At the AAC I had Simona - my  responsible party and Insurance holder - talking directly to Amanda K. the director of AAC.

The two had a brief conversation  between interested parties.

They chatted with each other and came to an understanding..

Yesterday I came back to the apartment duly distributed the latest schedule, duly booked for movie on Saturday.  I left a message to Sarah and she confirmed I was on the list.

Finally I made my self dinner cleaned up and went to the gym.

I made a frittata with cooked rice. Together with a side salad.

I need to buy some  flour  again as I have no flour left  at the apartment.

Yesterday cycle and Zumba..

At the gym the usual people..

Cassie at mentioned that she has a master in marketing.  She had no option to use it in Bakersfield. She got interested in fitness so fitness turned out to be her current activity.

It is life in Bakersfield after all.. it is recycling one's option in life.

There are people that like to do recycle picking up from the actual trash things to recycle

There are other people that recycle their skills.  In my opinion the latter are doing a better job than the former. I am sure we understand each other dear CNS.

The usual walking in the park in the morning after completing money management ($75 for grocery and $ 24 for outing)

It is what it is ..

Today's flowers.. Beautiful  indeed

The flowers at the apartment are all dying out, too much heat or too much direct sun radiation.,

Speaking of the family here are the news from my mother in Italy.

She mentioned that at my brother's house something happened.

Francesco has two small cats. They were playing around and they chewed on a water tube of the dishwasher.

As a result Francesco found the kitchen invaded by water leaking from the dishwasher.

Enjoy the reading dear Insurance..
Please understand each other on the meaning of the words very measured and very present

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