Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday July 22 2016

It has been a good and fulfilling weekend.

Simona and the boys are back in LA. They are however stranded by a fire going on over there.
She is staying back home with the boys. The air over there is filled with ashes and it is not safe for her to drive to Bakersfield.

Moving along my weekend activities

Last Friday July 22 I made myself dinner as always and wrote a letter to the boys

I made myself dinner with Whole grain rise and broccoli

Finally I  went to the gym. I had Zumba with Caroline

As always I  had a lot of fun at the gym.

At the end we snapped the usual set of pictures.
Caroline with a hat, Rachael M. . Maryline and Aju Ugu  M.

Rachael is back, she went missing as she was recovering from a bad foot.

I am enjoy very much the gym 

Post Zumba I was feeling recharged

At the gym Lee greeted me and he is said he is impressed by my progress.

He mentioned he is a real estate broker and he was in a car accidents.

He is himself recovering from his car accidents wound.

Last Saturday July 23 it was my Brother Francesco birthday.

Well I call him to wish him Happy Birthday.
A bit of comment is required on this matter.

I have not received any thing from him in any recent times.

Perhaps he has forgot about the California side.

Well let's say it is perfectly fine like this.

Our eldest son has his very name, Simona's dad had also a similar name.
Let's say we have drawn inspiration from the family roots.

The usual activities of my  Saturday morning  are the following.
First of all washing all my clothes, changing my bedding, washing my bathrobe and my towel.
Making sure it is all clean and dried.

In the morning I went to do Shopping a TJ's as always.

I spent $81.48 got all I good and fresh food.
Stickers and some working sheets for our kids.

At TJ's they all appreciated the pictures of the boys in Italy.

Of course I purchased fresh Salmon Ceviche ingredients. Cilantro, Cucumber, Avocado.

On Saturday morning I checked the mail for the latest Economist.
In the mail I found a letter from my mom in Italy

In the afternoon after grocery shopping I made Ceviche (Carpaccio)

Salmon, cilantro, avocado, tomatoes, cucumber. The fist got cooked in the lime juice.
The veggie were added after cooking the fish.

Cooking in the lime juice.

Obviously part of my Saturday was spent by cleaning the whole apartment

Next Saturday I will have time to do recycle as Sarah has set it for 2pm
Once in a while I need to do it has well.

In the afternoon I went to see a movie. At the Maya I saw Star Trek Beyond.

I saw the movie in MPX surround sound system. 

As I had enough points I had a discounted ticket.

I used the extra money I had for  my church offer the following Sunday.

On Saturday I wrote and sent a letter to my mother in Fano Italy where she is currently at the seaside.

I learnt that to Italy the Postal Office requires fours stamps. 

I writing to her in Italian I realized I am getting  a bit rusty.

On Sunday morning I went to church at S.Philips the Apostle

While at church I was greeted by J.

He was there with his wife.

He stopped me, shook my hand and said me Hi Joseph.

In the community is good to be recognized.

After church it was time for me to go to the gym.

It was a hot day so CNS provided me transportation to go there.

I took advantage of the fact I was early to do 20 minutes of steppers.
Good for my walking abilities.

As every Sunday I took my weight.

 It is 177.4 lb

I showed to Amanda and Melissa is not here.
She took note of it.

According to the web my weight of 177.4 lb for 6.1 height frame  falls within the normal Body mass index.

I am feeling well knows days

After the gym I walked back to the apartment by myself.

I enjoyed the walk.

The temperature was more than 100 F and I had to pour  water on my had to keep my brain within a reasonable temperature range of operation.

It was so hot... I learnt what it feels like to be in the Sahara desert.

I fee like I need a better hair cut. I booked one for this Wednesday. The latest one was only a month ago but they did not do a good cut,
Flowers for the ones who like the shot

Enjoy the reading.
By the way no newspapers today, the kiosk refused to cooperate with me.
I therefore returned the money.
Honesty, Integrity and trust.
A long way in life.

My light lunch today

Cream cheese and salmon sandwich. A healthy salad, Kiwis with Apple slices.

By the way Simona and the boys are fine.
The boys are going with the summer camp at the beach in LA.
It is meant to have a great day away from the fire smoke.


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