Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday July 11

Already here is the summary of my day since last Friday.

I did what I felt doing and enjoyed  it,

Last Friday I wrote to my kids

Had something to eat - good and healthy.

Then went to the gym to do Zumba with Caroline

Ari, Saira, ,,, Caroline 

As it was Caroline Birthday she kindly posed for a picture for me 

A nice gesture from her side.

On Saturday morning the usual activities.
I took care of cleaning the apartment and washing all my clothes.

I went to do Grocery Shipping at Trader Joe's

The experience was as following: 

1) The schedule was not maintained as the service was provided in a late fashion

2)  The driver did not know where to go either 

Anyway my Trader Joe's experience was very good as always.

I like Shopping over there.

I am buy Organic food whenever the produce  has a  thin skin.

If the skin is thick then the produce does not need to be Organic.

I greeted Jamie and all the other people over there.

Jamie is always kidding with me. Before leaving we got used to have a picture taken next to the flower. I did not realize she was making me bunny ears.. it is alright. It is part of the fun.

I showed her the picture of Lapo loosing his front teeth.

We talked about the tooth fairy and about her experience with her kids.

Good healthy shopping requires determination to cook  and money.

I spent $104.63 and enjoyed my shopping very much.

The bill was as mach as  I like to eat healthy.

I got a new set of stickers and had dark chocolate for all the people at CNS.

With the freshly purchased Salmon I made Ceviche.

Cilantro, tomatoes, lime and cucumber

I cut the lime and let the salmon soaking in the lime juice for a while.

I had it with Tostadas.

Of course it is better than Sushi and more reachable than Sashimi in my opinion.

I only have it once a week.. otherwise it is too much raw fish.

On Saturday  morning before shopping I spent time cleaning  the whole apartment;

- Cleaning the kitchen floor with a broom

- Washing the floor with a Sifter

-running the carpet cleaner on the carpet of the living rooms and both bedrooms.

- Cleaning the bathroom: washing the faucet, toilet, shower and floor

- cleaning the mirror

Running the vacuum cleaner on the carpet of the whole apartment

Of course I changed my bed, washed all my clothes and the usual cleaning of my personal items.

at 2pm I talked with Anna my IPC. I asked for $50 cash req that I promptly received.

I also let her know that I do not need any thing for Personal Shopping for the upcoming week.

I cooked a lentil soup.

As it was going  I wrote another letter to my family

At some point in the afternoon evening I went to see a movie.

The movie was The Secret Life of Pets in MPX theater.

She is Morgana

I showed Morngana Lapo's tooth. I had the impression she appreciated the gesture.

Anyway I did not enjoy at all the movie outing.

We were left at the movie Theater without any information on the service schedule.

In my opinion this is not the way you are supposed to provide any service.

Let's say this: an air company that provides a similar service is bound to loose customer's loyalty.

And it lost my loyalty.

And of course the fellows  were ... smoking outside the movie theater.

Both Jay and Wesley were happily puffing clearly there is an advantage in been able to smoke to kill time.

Here is the little documentation about smoking 

Oh yes because at CNS you do not drink beer and in return you are subjected to passive smoking..

Afterward we were  all confined with  the same van.

The air was filled with  remaining of the cigarette smoke as it is customary for the ones that smoke: 
a tail of smoke follows them everywhere.

I frankly can not stand this situation and  CNS is apparently unable or unwilling to control

Next time I will not be going to the movie it is decided, kind of tired to be subjected to the conditions I am subjected.

Last Sunday I decided not to go to church..

The last time I was there I did not appreciate the company. Austin and his boyfriend were also there  sitting next to me. At some point exchanging affection gesture. It is a line I am drawing in the sand.

Hence no more is was decided and I complied as well.

On Sunday I had time to write to my boys another letter

As I had time on my hands I wrote a Happy Birthday letter to my brother in Italy

His birthday is upcoming. Well as a matter of fact I have never received anything from him.
Not a card .. nothing at all.

You draw the conclusion the situation is calling for.

On Sunday I walked to the gym by myself following a well tested procedure.

I left the apartment at 12: 35 pm arrived at the gym at 1:10 am.

I worked out until 2:30 pm following my own program.

At the gym I talked with Lolita and saw Sylvia.

Lolita was curious to know what I was doing over there.

I showed her my own program.

 Leg, chest and shoulder. At last Abdominal for stability.

 A lot of repetition: increasing progressively the number of series ( 5)  and the number of repetition

She said it was fine. She also recommended me not to forget to stretch before leaving.

And so I did it. I am normally stretching after any physical activity.

Of course I took my weight. I am at 178.8 lb

I walked back from the gym

It takes 20 minutes of walking with a steady pace. Paying attention to the rules of the pedestrian road.

After the gym I had a post workout Protein shake

Some ice, a banana, hemp protein and a blender came handy.

Enjoy the reading.

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