Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday October 31

I was awaken at the sound of swearing by another patient.
He was very inarticulate and repetitive in his swearing...

Obviously you have to be a TBI patient of CNS as otherwise you would never use so many swearing words at once...He sounds like a really bad person...Or you have to loose control of your frontal lobe brain. In addition of loosing control of his legs he might have some real brain damage to handle.

Shall I be concerned at all.

Everyday I am loaded in a van and go to AAC. I read the newspapers for the ones who care. Most of them do not actually  care to listen. It is on them obviously to be in such way. Some of them can  not follow it is beyond and above their heads. Certainly not their fault... certainly not my fault either to be mixed with them.

At 11 am I am always signing off from that suffocating place to come the Homes of Hope in Bakersfield.

In my opinion the AAC, is overcrowded and undeserved. He does not have enough room, nor any therapeutic value. It is a place where somebody should really make sure things get organized in a better way.  Certainly I have been bad in my life to end up in a  place such as  that one. Hard to argue  about  this matter...I feel the guild of having to be associated with it. I feel the stigmata of being condemned to the CNS environment.

Weekend let's see...

I was in La Canada for the weekend
 In the evening we went to eat at Bob's and Raffaella's  place in Beverly Glen in Roscomare.

At dinner in addition to Bob's own family there  was Stefano his wife Jen, and their two sons Dario and Renzo. The usual group of long time friends.

Bob fired the grill 

We all had a good evening dinner

 I had the chance of eating beetroot.

We stayed there quite late as Simona never enjoys an evening out. 

I reminded them that my wife Onomastico was October the 28th.

We all cheered her up.

My weight is 79.7kg or as you like it in lb it is 175.7lb

In the morning on Sunday we went to church at S. Bede in La Canada with the whole family.

The gospel was the one of the tax collector Zachariah.

"We access people based on their look (it is fully true especially here at CNS) 
We have the tendency of passing the judgment on  other people based on their appearance and look"

Easy to mention it in La Canada where everybody is sharply dressed  and has very little economical problem. Very true at CNS were everybody is different and behaves differently as they are not real normal people (me included) Otherwise I would not be here, it goes by itself.

We took the boys to play soccer 

They played well and had fun.

We then went home clean up the boys.

They played piano

Finally we  attended a birthday party.
 It was Amy's daughter birthday.

Her name is Jimin, she  turned 8.

Her mom organized a party in an open space in an indoor mall in Valencia.

Cupcakes for the kids

The birthday girl

 The kids had a lot of  fun, they could really go wild in this place.

Here is Lapo playing Tarzan.

Chicco was jumping and being a kiddo.

Yesterday we saw a lot of rainbows in the sky.

Can you spot the second rainbow next to the big one at the left hand side?

My family leaves in La Canada where my house used to be located.

I have not been leaving there since my brain injury many years ago. 

My family is doing all his best to make my staying at home pleasant.

They are all cooperating doing their bests.

The kids are used to have their own freedom and routine.

This is Lapo the little one. He shows his bookmark...

The fact is that he needs to find soon a book to mark.

Our eldest Chicco is  wearing  is Halloween costume for me.

He is a dressed as a  Taco.

Our youngest is Lapo. He is dressed as a SWAT officer with a lot of nice toys for him

A radio, a knife a pistol and a hand granade, by the way he has a nice uniform too.

As I went to La Canada I lost the opportunity to do the following: first of all to buy food for the week.

Tonight I had to confirm to CNS that I was going to Grocery Shopping.

I need to buy food for 5 days tonight. 

Next  Saturday I am going to Trader Joe's. Today it is Jamie birthday. She is turning 38 years old.

I guess things have worked out in such a way that they are not really  going..

Apparently they were looking into taking me to Trader Joe's.

Tonight the boys decided they want to take a break from Taekwondo.

Simona has agreed with them to do so

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