Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wednesday August 31

Yesterday I came back at the apartment after therapy.

I made time to write to my family

The boys  went to Taekwondo.

After dinner I  went to the gym.

Yesterday I had body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike.

Both sport activities are good for my body.

The former is based on weight and movement.

I use it to stay light and focus on the precision of movement.

I know by experience my body can not take too much. I comply with this fact.

I am interested in bending my legs and in strengthening it.
Also I am working a lot on my core for stability.

Afterward I had Zumba with Mike.

It is a really enjoyable cardio exercise.

Beside the gym is a nice place for meeting all the people from the local community.

I am looking forward for going to there  each day.

This morning I had my usual breakfast, got a coffee with frothed milk and took off.

I had a doctor appointment. I went to Dr Jue to check my teeth.

I explained her the current situation. She took a couple of X-ray views based on my indication.
After developing the film  the doctor looked at it. The response was that there is nothing worrisome.

The pain I feel when brushing the teeth comes from my own doing.  I brush too hard and hence expose the sensitive part of the teeth. Hence it hurts.

I was told not to brush that hard. Dr Jue gave me Sensodyne toothpaste to use. Also I was reassured that I am doing a good job, perhaps a too good.

I  will be  following his instruction.
t the dentist I took stickers that I promptly distributed to the staff at CNS for their kids.

Everything was arranged very well and on time.
An NRS from CNS helped me at the dentist.

Once back at the clinic I had time to eat my fulfilling lunch.
Cream cheese salmon sandwich, a healthy salad. As fruit an apple and an orange.

It is all good.

I normally eat well in the morning and in the evening while at the clinic I only have a quick lunch as I like this way. I eat at the table under the patio next to Steve's  office.
It is a quite place to eat. Normally I place my calls from there. At time I find my wife at work in Pasadena, normally I find my mother at the phone, She is in Italy. Well I like to keep up with my family at my best.

Currently I am not in charge of anything at CNS, so I receive call from my wife whenever she feels like calling. Normally it is early during the day.

Enjoy the reading

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday August 30 2016

I was under the impression of going to the Homes of Hope today.

I wrote a note on my memory book, but obviously I am wrong.

We are reviewing the recent happening

Yesterday I cooked myself a healthy frittata with steamed broccoli.

I am eating a lot of eggs, a cheap and convenient source of protein.

I am always buying too much at the store. On the moment it looks fine by me.
After buying it, I realize I spent money on foods because I am lacking a bunch of things in my life.

I guess it is called a mechanism of compensation.

Anyway I mixed some left over rise with broccoli frittata.

Of course I used Coconut Oil for cooking. 

I went to the gym after ward.
As every Monday I had as  Yoga with Lilli
She is a very kind person. At yoga there are people of the community that take some pose  very seriously, They are able to flex and arch as if they were make of flexible plastic.

I am there to protect my body and to stay healthy. Of course I know the limit of my body.
After Yoga I had Cycle with Misty.
She is a very nice person at the gym, encouraging the class to follow her lead and her enthusiastic approach to sport.
It is all well. Afterward I stretched accurately. Front tight, back legs my back.
It is all well.

On my way at the apartment I barely came back and took a shower that the fire alarm went off.
I was able to dress and  reach the safety point. Where everybody meets each time to alarm goes off.

You see it is a pleasant feeling the once of taking a shower and be forced outside by the fire alarm.

Obviously it was a very thoughtful move.

Once back it was time for my evening protein powder and meds.

I learnt to get protein powder after a work out to be healthy.

I slept OK (not well). I never sleep well. I  am got used to it anyway.

I make my own breakfast as always.. 
Very painfully accepting the need of taking pictures for proof.

This morning I had a congesta at the apartment.

While at AAC I had a couple of Tylenol.
I am used in getting PRN meds anytime I need it.

Roaming free at the park in the morning.
Peaceful day for myself.

Some like to snap a flower every day.

Other (me) like to keep it as is and to  snap pictures instead.

Enjoy the pictures. Different snapping preferences.

This morning I  get a Tylenol at the AAC. My head was hurting.
It might be correlated to yesterday evening fire alarm perhaps.
I am speculating.

Anyway at the AAC I greeted Amanda,  I mentioned her that I was glad  to meet her mom Alice.

Tomorrow morning I am going to the local dentist Perry Jue

I am going there for a check.
 I have been feeling a couple of premolars hurting whenever  I am flossing it.

Normally during the day I don't feel it. However when it is time to floss it.

My nurse told me that the Dentist will take a look at it. Based on the outcome of this look a treatment will be recommended to me. Simona will be kept in the loop of course.

I will have to go back at a later time to check the treatment.

Tomorrow I will be first going to the dentist, then I will be able to go to Homes of Hope.
Amanda was able to clarify this matter with me.

Tomorrow my mother will be going back to Verona from Fano. 
Her time at the seaside for this year is done. 
She mentioned she was happy to go back to Verona.
My brother Francesco will come to help her with the trip

Enjoy the reading.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday August 29

Already, I am writing to you from Homes of Hope in Bakersfield.

Brian mentioned that I have been assigned a laptop and a working space.

The laptop will be stored here in a safe place.

I am working at the desk Monday trough Friday except on Wednesday.
 On  Wednesday Barbara has the desk and I am working on the table.

I see that they are all doing their best to accommodate me here at the Homes of Hope.

Surely it means a lot to me.

I had a good and intense weekend.

Let't start with last week

Last Friday  August 26 I enjoyed my gym.

I had a Zumba class with Caroline. It is a fun aerobic dance.

I enjoy it very much.
As always the whole community was there.

From the left Salve, Saira, Joseph (me), Caroline, Marilyn and Atuk.

Here we are all doing the Douce sign for peace.

We normally take a picture all together. 
I sent it by text to Salve, Caroline, Saira

After Zumba I came back to the apartment and get a relaxing time.
 I started having a protein shake, milk and banana.
Good recovery drink.

Last Saturday August 27 I took care of the apartment.

I run the carpet cleaner for  the carpet on the whole apartment.

Dusting my bedroom was next. I made sure to remove the accumulated dust.
I washed  all the floor. 

I  washed all my clothes, changed the bed. I also washed my Nike shoes.
It makes a difference as it gets back its  original elasticity.

I made sure the apartment was in the best order possible.I like to keep it at my best.

I next focused on my bathroom. I carefully washed it, Used product to carefully cleaned it.

I washed the carpet as well. I figure out that every week it needs to be washed as well.

I focused on cleaning the balcony's rail. It has not been raining  for a while, so the rails was dusty and had a lot of spider net.
I took care of it.

I was happy with my cleaning spree.
At 10:30 am I then went to do my Grocery Shopping errand at Trader Joe's.

As always I had a lot of good time over there.

 I greeted Jamie and had a lot of fun with her crew at the store.

I purchased all good food, a lot of salad, veggie. I purchased some cheese.
I got yogurt, whole milk, High Fiber bread. 
My total was a whooping $122.70

I think Simona is accepting my increasing bill.

The fact is that  I normally eat everything by the end of the week.
I never eat out nor get brought any food in the apartment.
I like to cook and I cook well.
It was time for me to cook a lentil soup.

I started by making a nice soffritto with celery, carrot and onions.
Of course I used Coconut Oil as it is good for high temperature cooking.

Once the soffritto was ready, I added the soaked lentils. I let the whole mixure cooking for a few minute. 

I added a bouillon cube water and let it cook for 30 minute with a gentle temperature.

During the cooking I  wrote a letter for my family.

I did  not go to the movie as I felt I wanted to do otherwise.

I stayed back at the apartment.

Watched some TV and and went to bed.
I slept well and felt rested.

On Sunday morning August 18 I went to the St. Philips church. I love the church community. It is a very nice and beautiful church.
I had all the outing money available. I gave the whole $24 to church. I am sure they are going to do a good use. 

My family  did not visit me for the weekend as Simona was not feeling well.

The boys were busy with their Sunday activity, Simona had a chance for resting.

At church I met Cassie and her grandma Rose. They both are doing well.

Cassie is also working at the 24 fitness gym.

Mnsgr. Johm CoelhoHarguindeguy is retiring to go to a church in Visalia.

He mentioned he was happy for staying with us while he was in Bakersfield.

Next Sunday there is going to be a new Mnsgr at church.

For lunch I made a Risotto Knorr ai funghi

Once ready I used Parmesan cheese and made a great Salad with boiled eggs.

On Sunday my weight is 178lb. I feel well.

In the early afternoon  I went to the gym.
I was dropped off by Kyle.
At the gym I enjoyed my time of working out by following my own program.

3  miles at the stepper at level 5

Legs, abdominal and chest press.

Focusing on repetition, range of motion rather than weight.

My mother is in Italy. She is staying at the beach in Fano until the end of the month.
Then she will be going back home in Verona.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday August 26 2016

The family is well. I talked to the boys this morning they were going to school.

Later in the day our eldest Chicco will go to play tennis while our youngest Lapo will go to play with Alan at Marina's place.

Simona is busy as usual at Caltech University.

I had a good night and slept well last night.

My head is fine. No headache today.
I am drinking a lot of water and a little coffee in the morning only.

Yesterday I  prepared an accurate grocery list for Saturday.  I  have been cooking the chicken breast I left in the fridge to brine.

The process of brining the meat is a well know method in food preparation. It is a new experience for me. I will try the chicken later during the weekend. I have stored it in the fridge.

Yesterday evening I  took time to do cooking.
Once done I was ready for the gym.

I had Zumba and cycle with Misty.

After cycle I stretched accurately my legs and left at 7pm.

While at the gym I greeted Cassie Marie. Yesterday it was her birthday. I wished her a happy birthday.

I have met her at church and in the Bakersfield community.

I met her with her dad Ron at the gym. 
I also met her with her grandma Rose at church.

How do I know all this information you might ask

Well my personality is to gather information about the local community.

After the gym I had my good protein shake.

I use whey protein,  bananas and whole milk.

Normally I have two bananas. I pick a frozen one from the freezer and a room temperature one.

I had a good night sleep. 
As usual no dreams I  can remember of.
Anyway I am used to this part.

I had a good breakfast this morning

Yogurt with Flax/Hemp seeds

Whole milk, blueberry, strawberry, cereal and trail mix 
Of course a cup of coffee with frothed milk.

In the morning I like to walk in the bark near the apartment.

I like to grab the newspaper at the newsstand as I am reading the newspaper at AAC.

Finally I like to help around at the apartment at my best. It is a good exercise for me to do.

I  am touching base with Lupe and/or any maintenance person for the item I need in the apartment.
Normally it is very simple item. Today for instance it was trash bags.

I got in touch with my Jolanta my Case Manager about my teeth.
While flossing it I can feel a premolar and a canine in the left hand side being sensitive and painful to touch.

Jolanta mentioned she was getting in touch with dr. Jue as soon as my nurse Melissa was coming back from her out of state travel.

Enjoy the reading. I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope. A Foster Parent Training Center in Bakersfield.

How do I know to use Ctrl + to increase the fond in a computer? Well it is stored somewhere in my brain and it coming up again. Floating to the surface once more.
It is good knowledge after all.
Enjoy the reading.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday August 25

Yesterday evening I  thought it was the time for me to experiment in the kitchen.

 I have been brining chicken breasts.

This process works for osmosis by soaking the meat in a saline solution.

 I  added  some flavor with a few spices, lemon slices and limes.

The chicken got prepared yesterday evening  in a large container.
I then moved it  in the fridge in smaller plastic containers to let it moisturize over night in a cold environment.

It will be ready today by the time I am getting back home at the apartment.

If it all goes well I am planning to get organized around this skillful cooking process.

Anyway yesterday evening I had time to cook as I had at 7pm a hair cut.
It is so hot this summer that I keep my hair short. It is easier to maintain and my head stays cooler.

I booked a hair cut at Great Clips. I had a nice short cut.
I costed $15. They patiently followed my instruction and requests.
I am a satisfied customer.

This morning I had a good self made breakfast.

Good nutrient and healthy.

This morning I had money management completed.
It is $75 for food and $24 for outing.

I have not booked the movie this week, As the last time I was there something went wrong and the whole experience left me with a bad  feeling.

I will be cooking and reading my Economist  magazine.
There are a lot of activities I can do by myself.

I did my usual routine for the morning. After a good breakfast, I have been enjoying my walk at the nearby park.

I noticed a great rose, so I snapped a picture with my phone.

It is an interesting rose with a double center.

Simona and the boys are fine. She called me before taking the boys to school.

The news from Italy is sad. There has been a huge earthquake centered in the ancient city of Matriciana 

Well time to eat 
Enjoy the reading

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wednesday August 24

It is a nice but hot day in Bakersfield.
The temperature for the the current week is in the 100s

Simona and the boys are well,

Busy with their own activities as always.

Organic breakfast as always..

Yesterday evening after dinner I went to the gym as usual.

Body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike,
At body pump I am doing a lot of repetition with light weights.
Zumba is a good aerobic sport at the sound of music. Love it.

Kyle took me to the gym.

Marnita came to pick me up afterward.

I love sport and I am doing whatever it takes to stay  fit.

I eat healthy, focusing on my veggie and protein intake.

In Italy my mom mentioned the other night they had a earthquake.

She is staying on the Adriatic coast at the beach. There is a family house over there.

She mentioned she was awaken last night as the shock made the furniture in her bedroom move around.

It is a matter of fact that Italy has been having in the past many huge earthquake.

Today I am going to have a hair cut then I will not be going to the gym.

I will have time to cook, I am planning to brine the chicken.

It is an experiment even for me.

I will let you know how well it goes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday August 23

I had a very good night last night, I was sleeping deeply when the alarm woke me up at 6am this morning. I was up and decided it was time to get going.

This morning CNS  fulfilled my request for a brand new blender.

I  figure out that I needed one as after the gym I am making a healthy snack.

I am using Hemp Protein, milk and frozen banana.

At Trader Joe's Kenvas recommended me to freeze the bananas.
Of course first I peel it and cut into splices. I used a plastic container and then freeze it all.

For blending so far I have been using a little hand held device. It  has not been working that great.

So from now on I will be able to blend my  post gym shake.

Yesterday evening I went to the gym.

I  had Yoga and cycle. As you can see from the following picture I had my Yoga mat with me.

I think the light was a too yellow. My hat is actually light blue rather than green,

Yoga with Lilli and static cycle with Lolita.

Yoga practice is a good practice, focusing on one's breath and almost ending in a meditative state.

As always at 7pm it was time for me to leave the gym.

The evening supervisor Jose came to pick me up from the gym.

This morning in the am I went to do my usual walk in the park. I enjoyed the early hours of the morning.

The local flowers are always beautiful.

Yesterday I  had a good healthy dinner before heading to the gym.

I also took care of washing my bathroom carpet.

It really needed a wash.

I am going to keep washing it on a regular basis.

I hanged in the apartment the calendar I had from the Homes of Hope.

This morning I talked with Simona. She was taking the boys to school as always.
I  was convinced that today it was my brother Birthday. 
She reminded me it was not today. 

She also confirmed the Birthday of the her brother.
I added both to my phone.
Hopefully I remember it for next time.

Time to eat.

I have the left  ceviche..

Ii is about time to eat it.
It has fresh salmon in it.
Cooked into lime juice.

I make it on Saturday morning after going for Grocery Shopping.
This time is lasted longer than it used to.

Tostadas and apple together with the Salmon Ceviche,

While flossing my teeth I noticed that my premolar were sensitive.

I have been asked to monitor the level of pain during the week,

Lately I am very interested in trying to Brine some turkey breast meat.

Brining is a technique to moistorize the meat together with some herbs in order to prepare it for cooking.

It take a while as you can see in this example or check this second one.

This corresponds to the method of preparing  Salamoia in Italian.
