Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday August 25

Yesterday evening I  thought it was the time for me to experiment in the kitchen.

 I have been brining chicken breasts.

This process works for osmosis by soaking the meat in a saline solution.

 I  added  some flavor with a few spices, lemon slices and limes.

The chicken got prepared yesterday evening  in a large container.
I then moved it  in the fridge in smaller plastic containers to let it moisturize over night in a cold environment.

It will be ready today by the time I am getting back home at the apartment.

If it all goes well I am planning to get organized around this skillful cooking process.

Anyway yesterday evening I had time to cook as I had at 7pm a hair cut.
It is so hot this summer that I keep my hair short. It is easier to maintain and my head stays cooler.

I booked a hair cut at Great Clips. I had a nice short cut.
I costed $15. They patiently followed my instruction and requests.
I am a satisfied customer.

This morning I had a good self made breakfast.

Good nutrient and healthy.

This morning I had money management completed.
It is $75 for food and $24 for outing.

I have not booked the movie this week, As the last time I was there something went wrong and the whole experience left me with a bad  feeling.

I will be cooking and reading my Economist  magazine.
There are a lot of activities I can do by myself.

I did my usual routine for the morning. After a good breakfast, I have been enjoying my walk at the nearby park.

I noticed a great rose, so I snapped a picture with my phone.

It is an interesting rose with a double center.

Simona and the boys are fine. She called me before taking the boys to school.

The news from Italy is sad. There has been a huge earthquake centered in the ancient city of Matriciana 

Well time to eat 
Enjoy the reading

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