Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday August 10

Yesterday evening I have been cooking and writing.

I cooked Zucchini squash, I carefully seasoned the zucchini and cooked in the oven for a while.

While it was cooking I wrote a letter to my boys

Finally the zucchini quash were ready and I use it to make a healthy frittata.

I then went to the gym.

To tell it all, my program says I am supposed to go to the gym at 5:45pm.
My expectation was set according to the plan  agreed by the insurance.
As a result I was late at my body pump class.

I  had the Zumba class instead.

Anyway I mentioned it to Amanda today.
Without making a big case of it.

This morning I had the first part of the money management done.

The kids are fine.
Chicco and Lapo are at the summer camp.
They will do tennis camp then homework and finally piano.

Enjoy the reading

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