Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday August 9 2016

yesterday after therapy I had  my dinner and prepared my lunch.
I had something good to eat.

The kids had a great day. Tennis, piano and Taekwondo.

After a quick dinner I I went to do Yoga  at the 24 fitness gym.

It is a good practice. Balance and fitness for me.

Afterward I had static cycle with Misty. A good fitness cardio.

As I had mist in my brain I had to ask Lilli (the yoga instructor) about her name

As always she is inviting the class to modulate the cycle resistance. This allows to have a great fun and a good cardio.

At 7pm it was time to leave. I stretched and waited for CNS van  to come.

As they were late at 7:20pm  I started walking toward the apartment. I don't mind and I know the path.

Along the way Miss Cassandra one of the sup came to pick me up.
I entered and went back at the apartment. 
I had a milk, protein powder and a banana shake.

I have been looking for a good scale to weigh myself,
All I could find is an analog one.

My weigh is 177.5lb on the analog device.

I don't like analog display  in this case. 

As far as device, I like to use the digital display better.
At the heart the device is an analog device. The difference consists in the interface one consider to be the better one. 

I am planning to acquire a digital scale at the apartment.
Simona is going to send it shortly.

I am also in the process of  getting organized around the calibration process.
As you all know a good digital device needs to be calibrated. So here it is the plan: implementing a good calibration procedure for the scale.

This morning I had a good balanced breakfast
Low fat milk, blueberry, strawberry, cereal, yogurt and chia seeds.

I added as well some cereal medley (nuts, cashew and chestnut) to my milk

I did my nice  morning fitness at the park. 
I took a picture in the shade as it is very sunny outside

The kids are fine.
For the whole week they are  still on vacation.

I had a good breakfast, by myself, cleaned everything before leaving the apartment: dish, table and floor. Took care of the trash for me and for the CNS one.. it is ok
Enjoy the reading

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