Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday August 16

Yesterday Chicco turned 11 years old.

He celebrated his birthday with a small cake
The boys were happy for the birthday.

To celebrate the birthday Simona took the boys at an aquatic park with  a couple of friends.

Our boys are Lapo at the far right in white T-Shirt and Chicco with a yellow T-shirt.

Anyway they appeared to be healthy and relaxed.

I had  a light dinner

A healthy salad with  boiled eggs.
A few tostadas.
A good protein based dinner.

Afterward I wanted to go the gym right away to catch the full class of Yoga and Static Cycle with Lolita.  As a result I got in trouble as Laurie mentioned  that the schedule says 5:45pm.

I guess the schedule is the schedule.. Perhaps I wanted to catch up with the few times it had  not respected. 

Call it a feeling of being  even.

By the way dear CNS, let's understand on the terms and conditions. nowhere in my program is written that I should take the CNS trash out.
It is the CNS trash after all, I can take care of myself very well.

So let's understand each other Doug and company..
No more for now on.

My healthy breakfast

The open air at the park.. a lot of open space and roaming free

Some like to pick the flowers at the garden.

Others like to snap a picture of it.

I let you understand which one is better.

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