Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday August 8 2016

Let's review the activities for the past few days.

Last Friday  August 5 I went to the 24 fitness gym

I had Zumba with Caroline.

As mentioned before she works at the library in town.

It is always fun to go at the Zumba and to do exercise at the sound of music.

 Lee was also at the gym with us.

He is a very interesting person to talk to.

He is community between Bakersfield and Thousand Oaks in LA.

He works at Amgen over there, a large pharmaceutical company.

Last Saturday August 6 In the  morning I took care of  the  apartment and of all my personal items.
Beside the normal activities I washed the bed cover. which was dusty. I also took the opportunity to wash my Nike shoes. They are now back to be as elastic as before.
It feels better for walking to me. 

Once in a while I feel this pair of  shoes loose its ability to do a good job.
Whenever it happens  I feel it is time to wash it.

Soon  is going to be our eldest son birthday. 

He is going to turn 11 years old.
He is planning to buy himself a laptop and  he is setting aside money against this goal.

It is a good project to achieve.

In the morning I went to  grocery shopping at TJ's.

I had the usual fun.
I greeted Jamie and all the people at the store.

While checking out at the cashier I talked to Jamie. As always we talked about our families.

I got all good food for a total of $110.59

It is OK I eat it all and eat well.

BTW the chocolate is not for me.
I am giving it away here at the clinic.

She  is Jamie. Always happy to see me over there.

She always have a moment to snap a picture with me.

With the freshly purchased food I made Tilapia Ceviche.

The concept is easy.

I cut finely the Tilapia.
The finely cut fish is cooked in Cilantro juice for a while.

After cooking in the refrigerator I  added the chopped veggies. I am used cilantro, cucumber, tomatoes and onion.

By the way I  purchased black figs.. it tastes good. 

I remember we use to have a fig tree once in Italy.

It was in Fano at the seaside.Many  years ago.

We used to eat figs when we were coming back from the beach.

A lot of good memories.

On the same day I wrote a letter to my mom.

She is spending the summer in Fano at the seaside.
You see the connection between memories, figs and letter in Italy is there.

As I learnt it is required to have 4 stamps to Italy for a letter.

I wrote to her in Italian. 
It took me a while as I had to go through a second iteration.

I realized I am getting rusty in writing in Italian.  

On Saturday evening I went to the Maya movie theater.

I saw a funny movie.

The movie is Bad Moms

The stories of what happens to those moms who brake down in the middle of their very busy life.
It is a terrific movie. An amusing story line and great environment.
The competing movie was Suicide Squad. I did not feel much in favor to watch this movie.

Last Sunday August 7 I went to church at S. Philips the Apostle church.
The church is well organized and the community strong.

Xavier is the  music director. 

I specifically asked him weather  he knew Sylvia W. 
He confirmed she is her sister.

Sylvia is an instructor of mine at the 24 fitness  gym.

At church n three weeks there is going to be a new pastor. 

Father Salvador has been appointed as the next pastor.

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