Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday August 15 2017

Today our family celebrates  our eldest son 11th birthday.

As a present he got a new tennis racket.

He plays tennis a lot in La Canada where we leave.

Yesterday the kids went to church first and then they  had a hair cut.

They are getting ready to go back to school in La Canada

Chicco -the tallest- is going to attend IV grade. Lapo the youngest is going to go to attend II grade.

I sent Chicco he snap shot of the flowers in my balcony

Yesterday I went to S. Philips the Apostle chuch.
As Simona and the boys came over the weekend, I gave as an offer the whole $24 of outing.

It is fine, The church needs the money,  Whatever is not used is lost. The program of money management is set in such a way,

At church I met Cassie and her grandma Rose.
They asked  me about my head. They were concerned after reading  of my latest accident.

Anyway I reassured them I was  fine and I  only have an extra bump in my head.

On Sunday after church CNS took me 
to the gym as it was far too hot for me to walk outside as I normally do.

I had more time. I used it to work out  more.
This is my stair master work out.

It helps me walking better. 

I am getting stronger and I focus on wellness. Repeating the work out with  StairMaster, legs, and abdominal.
Of course stretching afterward in a very accurate way is part of my routine.

Over all I like it to be this way. On Sunday I do my independent program.

I took my weight at the apartment after the gym.

I have a digital scale I can use on a regular basis

It read 176 lb

Last Saturday The  family visited me.
We went to eat at Panera Bread.

A good family eating place.

The boys had soup like Simona.

The boys had mac&cheese as well.

I had a reach salad and a couple of sandwich,
Next time I am going with Simona's choice.

The boys played outside the apartment near the Swain Center.

We then went to see a movie at the Edward Theater.
It was the Peach Dragon movie
The kids enjoyed watching it. 
Simona did not fall asleep.
They had to leave afterward to go back to La Canada and to get ready for the week

Last Saturday it was my cleaning day.

I washed all my clothes and took care of my own attire.

I cleaned at my best the whole apartment

I like to keep it as clean as possible

As there is a lot of dust in the hair. I spent a lot of my time dusting it.

Of course Sunday is my day to do washing of  the floor and to run the  vacuum cleaner of  the carpet.

I  also took care of the bathroom. As clean as possible.

As a result of my cleaning spree by the time it is Saturday I run low on cleaning Supply.

On Saturday  I went to Trader Joe's where I had a lot of fun as always.

At my left is Jamie. She is always making sure I have a great experience while Shopping over there.

I purchased all good food. I spent a whooping $129. 13

We talked with Jamie about our kids.

Simona was astounded in hearing about my latest shopping spree.

The good things is that by the end of the week I have eaten all my food.

Well Simona has the advantage of getting to a store whenever she wishes.

I do not have that choice. So I buy once a week.

Anyway Anna came to my rescue and gave me $50 as cash advance.

Last Friday I wrote a letter to my family

On Friday Lapo was sick. He had a hear infection.

Simona took him to the doctor. He got him a good medication.

By the way here it is a good reading for you

Breakfast. Cereal, Blueberries Strawberries milk, chia and yogurt.
It is 1000 cal breakfast according to My Fitness Pal application.

As always the morning is filled with my PT activities at the park

Enjoy the reading

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