Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday August 1st

Last Friday July 29 after therapy I cooked chicken with a lot of veggies.

I had a good dinner

After dinner I went to the gym.

I had Zumba with Caroline.A lot of fun music and movement.

I like the fun and the fitness it brings to me. 

Caroline mentioned in actual life she works as the Bakersfield library.

Afterward I had cycle with Misty

at 7pm my coverage at the gym was over and after stretching I was ready to leave

My body is getting stronger and fitter.

Last Saturday morning  ,,, the usual matter of the Saturday.
CNS apartment cleaning.. 
No need for me to explain in details this matter.

But as I am a brain damaged person I accept it and duly shows the pictures I have taken


I cleaned the floor with a broom

And washed the floor 

I went to TJ's to do shopping

Jamie was always happy to see me over there.
Her daughter Delaney had a cold

I had a good time over there
Purchased a lot of good things.

The total tally was $121.91... which is good to me.

As I purchased fresh ingredient for Ceviche I made it right away

Salmon and lime first. Cooking for a while in the fridge.

I then went to do the very reward recycle activity

Recycle on Saturday.. for an astonishing amount of $2.38.

The actual fact is that the glass I had brought had found  its way on the Trash.

In life you might become rich by doing recycle.. 

Can't believe it is worth that much.

you can sense my frustration regarding this further comment

Finally  I had time for some THP at the apartment

On Saturday evening I also went to the Maya theater.

I saw Jason Bourne.

This movie is currently leading the box office in US.

An action packed movie at the Maya Theater.

As always I saw it in MPX. 

The tickets is $12

At the concession I had Dibs and green tea for a total of $8.25

As always I snapped a picture with Morgana.

She mentioned that for the next couple of weeks she will be visiting her sister in Vegas.

Last Sunday July 31 I went to church at S. Phillips the Apostle church  on Stockdale

I gave all the outing money left.
That is $5.75..,
what you don't use you loose.. rules of the Money Management outing.

In the afternoon the family came.

They had Tostadas, a coffee cup a T shirt and a hat.

The kids watched the cartoon channel for a while

We then went for a family lunch at Panera bread

Simona ate my chips this picture is misleading.

I personally did not like the food served over there 

Later we went to see Ice Age as the kids wanted to watch the movie.

Simona was following the movie while she also was following her email on the phone.

This describes the level of interest of the movie for adults.

Anyway it is really hot in Bakersfield.. the theater is a cool place.

In the car Lapo enjoyed spraying himself with the water bottle.

Our yongest Lapo is changing is front teeth.

He looks fine when he smiles.

We keep having fire alarm at the apartment.
Parading everybody early in the morning..
CNS are you perhaps taking care 
for the past two days..
Melissa S.  you have received the message please

Amanda mentioned she is going to email you this morning after me complaining for two consecutive days of fire alarms

Enjoy the reading 

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