Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday August 29

Already, I am writing to you from Homes of Hope in Bakersfield.

Brian mentioned that I have been assigned a laptop and a working space.

The laptop will be stored here in a safe place.

I am working at the desk Monday trough Friday except on Wednesday.
 On  Wednesday Barbara has the desk and I am working on the table.

I see that they are all doing their best to accommodate me here at the Homes of Hope.

Surely it means a lot to me.

I had a good and intense weekend.

Let't start with last week

Last Friday  August 26 I enjoyed my gym.

I had a Zumba class with Caroline. It is a fun aerobic dance.

I enjoy it very much.
As always the whole community was there.

From the left Salve, Saira, Joseph (me), Caroline, Marilyn and Atuk.

Here we are all doing the Douce sign for peace.

We normally take a picture all together. 
I sent it by text to Salve, Caroline, Saira

After Zumba I came back to the apartment and get a relaxing time.
 I started having a protein shake, milk and banana.
Good recovery drink.

Last Saturday August 27 I took care of the apartment.

I run the carpet cleaner for  the carpet on the whole apartment.

Dusting my bedroom was next. I made sure to remove the accumulated dust.
I washed  all the floor. 

I  washed all my clothes, changed the bed. I also washed my Nike shoes.
It makes a difference as it gets back its  original elasticity.

I made sure the apartment was in the best order possible.I like to keep it at my best.

I next focused on my bathroom. I carefully washed it, Used product to carefully cleaned it.

I washed the carpet as well. I figure out that every week it needs to be washed as well.

I focused on cleaning the balcony's rail. It has not been raining  for a while, so the rails was dusty and had a lot of spider net.
I took care of it.

I was happy with my cleaning spree.
At 10:30 am I then went to do my Grocery Shopping errand at Trader Joe's.

As always I had a lot of good time over there.

 I greeted Jamie and had a lot of fun with her crew at the store.

I purchased all good food, a lot of salad, veggie. I purchased some cheese.
I got yogurt, whole milk, High Fiber bread. 
My total was a whooping $122.70

I think Simona is accepting my increasing bill.

The fact is that  I normally eat everything by the end of the week.
I never eat out nor get brought any food in the apartment.
I like to cook and I cook well.
It was time for me to cook a lentil soup.

I started by making a nice soffritto with celery, carrot and onions.
Of course I used Coconut Oil as it is good for high temperature cooking.

Once the soffritto was ready, I added the soaked lentils. I let the whole mixure cooking for a few minute. 

I added a bouillon cube water and let it cook for 30 minute with a gentle temperature.

During the cooking I  wrote a letter for my family.

I did  not go to the movie as I felt I wanted to do otherwise.

I stayed back at the apartment.

Watched some TV and and went to bed.
I slept well and felt rested.

On Sunday morning August 18 I went to the St. Philips church. I love the church community. It is a very nice and beautiful church.
I had all the outing money available. I gave the whole $24 to church. I am sure they are going to do a good use. 

My family  did not visit me for the weekend as Simona was not feeling well.

The boys were busy with their Sunday activity, Simona had a chance for resting.

At church I met Cassie and her grandma Rose. They both are doing well.

Cassie is also working at the 24 fitness gym.

Mnsgr. Johm CoelhoHarguindeguy is retiring to go to a church in Visalia.

He mentioned he was happy for staying with us while he was in Bakersfield.

Next Sunday there is going to be a new Mnsgr at church.

For lunch I made a Risotto Knorr ai funghi

Once ready I used Parmesan cheese and made a great Salad with boiled eggs.

On Sunday my weight is 178lb. I feel well.

In the early afternoon  I went to the gym.
I was dropped off by Kyle.
At the gym I enjoyed my time of working out by following my own program.

3  miles at the stepper at level 5

Legs, abdominal and chest press.

Focusing on repetition, range of motion rather than weight.

My mother is in Italy. She is staying at the beach in Fano until the end of the month.
Then she will be going back home in Verona.

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