Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tuesday August 2 2016

I feel I am spiraling down the drain again

For the past two days my sleep has been interrupted.

The latest event happened last night at 12:15am.

The battery of the fire alarm went off and the thing started beeping until I called reception.
I finally  got an NRS.
Armando came with a new battery..

Now let's understand each other maintenance at CNS.

It is a good practice to get a regular maintenance check completed with a log of which
apartment has passed.

This is a simple and good working practice that apparently is not shared by the
current habits of the Rehabilitation Center.

In the business world a good business practice is called Kaizen.

It is a something to consider adopting as well for CNS as a company.

Here is an image from the web

Here is a picture of your device that can be eventually be used as a wake up tool

It shows where the sound came from and what needs  to be added to a routine check at the apartment

As a result last night a loud beep woke me up and I ended having  a  bad sleep.

Beside a  nurse came at 6am to get my  blood drawn...

Imaging the nightmare I am having with you

As my wife is saying: you have not being nursing the kids...
I beg to different among nursing your own flesh and having an interrupted night by some event completely out of your control.

Amada saw me this morning, and decided it was better for me to be  at the Homes of Hope in Bakersfield.

At the apartment yesterday I worked on some work for Amanda's kid.

This morning I also had some work to complete for Amanda's family

Some simple math.
I did not take math in US, so I am not really familiar with the way it is taught in US.

It is my  best thus far.

I had a few questions left for today, I worked out the answer and gave the book to John, Amanda's husband.

Yesterday evening I did not went to the gym either as the previous night the fire alarm broke off at the apartment 
Can't sleep anywhere can't I?

I am  really  wondering what will happens next at the apartment..
Another pathetic excuse of sort.

Would you please explain why I take sleeping medication and all the meds dear CNS?
Why I use Melatonine, Trazodone and Ambient as sleep meds...when then on a regular basis you have an excuse to get into my sleep?

Beside to tell the truth it is an artificial sleep indeed. 
It is an induced sleep. My brain never dreams as a result.
It is a pathetic way of spending the night if you want to have my opinion on this matter.

Moving on from the subject.

Salitent activities: I cooked myself a frittata 

I made a healthy salad  with a frittata

I cleaned once more the CNS apartment showing my independence

As I cooked myself a nice frittata with a good salad, you might wander what about cholesterol from the eggs?

Eggs  is an amazing super food, full of nutrients and vitamin. There is good cholesterol in the eggs don't you know it?

I don't drink any soda nor any juice, I  am eating a lot of veggies and healthy proteins.

The usual flower's of today

The usual PT in the morning by walking at the park

It is a free day because I decided I am expressing my self and releasing myself from a task that had become unbearable for me to do...nobody asked me to do.\
From now onward it wan't be part of any of my routine.

My mother in Italy is at the seaside in Fano. She  sent me the following picture
She is hosting her Friend Mirella (with a skirt). My mother is the one with the pans.

My mother also sent me the picture of her neighbor in Fano

My own lunch 

Self  independence is always a good thing


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