Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday August 18

The kids are fine. They are already at school. I talked with Simona when they were already gone at school.
Today they will be having Taekwondo after school.

I adjusted to the fact that I never dream at night. I used to do before when I did not have to take any drugs to sleep.  I remember how restoring was to have a good night of sleep, to wake up and remember what your brain has been going trough the night before.

Anyway it is all past activity. No more dreaming for me. . It is obviously an induced sleep as my brain is forcefully make sleeping.

I like to be working here at the Homes of Hope with all the people of the center.

Yesterday I went to the gym. I had cycle and body pump.

The gym environment is another environment  I like to stay.

 Richard, Damian, Maria are all people I  came to appreciate.

They are often at the gym.

At time Pete and his wife Michelle are there as well.

 There is a  little community of  hard workers at the 24 fitness gym in Gosford Avenue near the apartment.

As far the gym is concerned my program  is 5:45pm to 7pm

I am keeping up with my schedule.
Yesterday I did cycle with Cassie and afterward bodycombact with Sylvia.

The latter is good for my balance. It is based on moving the body as if we had to do a martial art: kicking punching and standing on a single foot. It is all good for my mental ability. Beside I am  standing on my legs.

At the gym  I  waited until 7:30 pm I called CNS to get a ride back and could not get a clear answer. I I waited and waited.  At the end  I took off by myself and walked back to the apartment. (I should not.. my program says so)

It is about a mile long walk. I do not mind walking.. I it makes me feel good.

As it was hot I soaked my had in water to stay cool.

Once back at the apartment I took my night meds and asked for nursing to take me my sleeping meds.

Their asked me if I could go to them to get it by myself.

So after a shower I did so.. I put my sandals on and walked to Nursing to get my sleeping aid.

Obviously  it is a wired day..

This morning I had money management completed.

The rate of the insurance is $75 for grocery and $24 for the outing.

The former is meant to be used on food, the latter for movie, snack and church offering.

I have been historically on track with the outing money. Whenever Simona comes to visit me I have been using  it all at church for offering. It is a fair action to do as the policy is either use it or loose it.

On a regular basis I am using it for movie outing, for a snack and church at S. Philipes the Apostle here in town

Regarding the food, well historically I have been  expanding my bills.
It has been increasing and increasing.

For instance  last time I spent $129. The previous to last I spent $110. Three time ago I spent $122.

I do not waste any food as I am eating everything.

I am in good shape and staying healthy.

I have been increasing my protein intake. I eat healthy and staying healthy.

As you know my weight has been decreasing.
The last time it was 176 lb.

Nowadays I am feeling well, I have a good breakfast in the morning, a light lunch, a healthy dinner before going to the gym. After the gym I have a Protein shake with banana. I froze  a few bananas.
I mix it with my shake.
It looks like it is working for me.

Simona is doing well. She was working at Caltech a few minutes ago.

I had a conversation with my Case Manager to clarify a few points.

I have been un-polite with a member at CNS.

I realized it they realized it.It was my frustration level that reacted in a poor way.

What is done is done, looking forward to get better.

Learning from one's mistake is what one can do in life.

I know my edges and yes I see them very well.

In the conversation today my case manager was  talking with me about the gym outing time.

It was explained to me that at time there are other patients going to the gym so the gym time might be late.

She mentioned that it is something to accept. I understand the argument.

The fact is that I care a lot about going to the gym. It is part of my physical recovery.

I normally take classes except on a Sunday when I am going to the gym by myself in the early afternoon. During this time I am following my own program: legs, abdominal, stepper, shoulders.
Normally  I would walk to the gym and back, Except when it is too hot, then CNS offers me to drive me to the gym.

I am not in the process of bulking up. I like to stay fit and be healthy. I am protecting my body from injuring it. As it was the case when I lifted too much weight.  Beside whenever I  do a strenuous effort, I normally pay the price in the form of a headache. I learnt to understand how my body physical response. Yet I  am also pushing me body to get fitter and better.

I need to stay hydrated very well, hence I am drinking plenty of liquid in the morning. Water is the way to go.  I limit my coffee intake in the morning only. Particularly never in the afternoon as it interfere with my sleeping hygiene.

I had a light and fulfilling lunch.

 A Sandwich with Brie and Crudo.. A lot of freshly cut apples.


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