Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday October 14 2016

I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope in Bakersfield.
It is a foster care agency for kids that needs a family. Here is a bit of a profile for the agency
It is a very interesting reading and  it goes through the story of the Homes of Hope.

This agency  offers  placement services, supervised visit and certification process for foster care kids and parents.

This agency serves more than 200 children and has more than 100 foster homes.

John is the CEO of the agency.

The budget is  based on local and state grants, the agency works hard to raise money from the local community.

Homes of Hope has also many facilities that are rented for family events  to the local community such wedding, birthday and families celebration.

Yesterday at the apartment  I cooked a frittata with the left over rice I had.

I sprinkled  Parmesan cheese on the top

I used Coconut Oil to cook it. 

It is a good Oil for high temperature cooking.

Yesterday evening I  went to the gym by myself. I signed off at the apartment and walked to the gym.

I had zumba with Caroline and cycle with Cassie.

Both activities are good for my body and my cardio system.

I am following Cassie's  recommendations regarding stretches for my back.

It is working well.

Afterward it was too dark for me to walk back by myself. I called CNS as agreed.

Jamie came to pick me up from the gym and to drive me back to the apartment

Over there I had my evening routine. A soothing shower and a healthy evening milk, with banana and hemp protein. Evening meds and in bed by 9pm after getting my Ambient sleeping medication.

The kids were doing fine when I called yesterday evening.

Simona was cooking for the boys as she is making sure that the kids are well taken care of.

My mother sent me this picture from Italy. A beautiful rose.

She is doing fine, resting as she has a cold with some cough. She is not going to attend  a concert as planned. Only my brother Francesco and his wife Sara are going to enjoy it.

For lunch today I had a left over chicken broth that I cooked the other day. I paired it  with  Tostadas and an apple

The chicken broth came from when I purchased chicken wings instead of chicken drum stick.

I need to pay more attention next time I am selecting my grocery.

I just talked with Simona. 
She mentioned she has been working in putting the finishing touch to a scientific papers.
Writing scientific papers is  key for her and her team at Caltech University.

She mentioned that she is always making sure any papers that has her name does correspond to her requirements both scientifically and in the way it is written.

She has many papers published with her name.

For a quick summary of her work you can check the following page.

I talked with Simona about our two kids.

They are both doing great.

Our eldest Chicco is 10, our youngest is Lapo and he is 7.

Chicco is in a grown spur, getting taller and taller by the day.

To plant himself on the ground with a solid base he has two amazingly large feet.

He has vastly passed me on shoes size. 
I know that for my height I have relatively small feet.
Mother nature.

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