Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday October 21

This morning I went to Dr Jue medical appointment for taking the negative prints of the night retainer.

The nurse took my teeth print by using a pink paste. She got top and bottom jaw print.

The taste of these pink paste is awful ... It tastes like a bad toothpaste.

Additionally I bite on a soft gel to get the  mold of my over bite or so I believe.

The night guard is going to be ready  by November the 9th. The day after the upcoming Presidential Election.
We will see which way the country is going to swing we will have a lot to talk about on that day.

 I frankly hope  it will be swinging toward the blue  side.

I have been observing and reading a lot about both sides.
I had fun watching yesterday evening charity dinner where both parties pocked fun at each other.

 It was a nice  and a break showing a bit of graceful behavior.

Here are the roses today at the apartment. Always doing well

Yesterday evening I did not go to the gym.
Rather I accurately prepared my grocery list for Saturday morning.

I stayed back to write to the kids and cook

I cooked chicken broth 

I sliced some  celery, onion and carrot for the soffritto.
I cut into small cubes a couple of  Russell  potatoes.

I used Coconut Oil for cooking soffritto.
It is a good vegetable Oil that has a very  high smoking point.

Afterward I lightly browned the chicken drumsticks.

Also I added a bouillon chicken cube and let the soup cook gently for 40 minutes.

Alexis came by to check on me, she was graceful to snap a picture of me with my white apron.

Here is the soup cooking in a large pot. Cooking slowly and gently. 

In a separate pot I cooked the brown Basmati rice in plain water. It takes 20 minutes to cook as it is pre-cooked.  It is healthier than white rice as  it has more fiber. 

A higher fiber content translates into a fuller feeling after eating and as well a healthier way of eating.

Whenever I choose I am always going for whole grain and unrefined starch.

While the broth was cooking I wrote to my kids. 

In the  local lingo it is called THP (Therapeutic Home Program)

I believe that writing using my hand enhances my hand coordination. This is particularly true as far as small movements are  concerned. This is the main reason I like to write a lot whenever I have time. Beside  it makes me feeling well about myself. 

Our eldest son Chicco always reads my letters. Our youngest son Lapo has not come to the point of reading it. Whenever our youngest Lapo will feel like he will have time to catch up and to read as well. This is the reason I am addressing the whole family: Chicco, Lapo and Simona (mon amour)

There will be a time when even little Lapo will have the wish to read these letters. As it stands I am writing in English and block letters to the boys.

After cooking I cleaned the whole kitchen and had my soup with Parmesan Cheese and Olive Oil.
As a result I had no time to go to the gym.
It will be for later today.

Recently the iphone speaker in my apartment stopped working.

It is a Bluetooth speaker connected to the phone. I like to lessening NPR whenever I have time. And right how I have a lot of time available.

 I asked my wife Simona to kindly sent me a new one.

I found the following  one from Amazon.
It is a water proof one, it has a several hours rechargeable battery.

  • ULTRA PORTABLE Under 10 ounces, 5 inches long, 2.8 inches tall; High capacity rechargeable 2200 mAh battery for up to 7 hours of playtime; designed to be comfortable to carry with no square edges, so much better for travel & hiking, superlight and easy to fit in your backpack, baggage
  • CONNECT IN SECONDS to Bluetooth devices including: iPhone, iPad, iPod, 

Today's lunch was a delightful chicken minestrone soup. Easy to eat and very nutritious of course.

I had it with Basmati rice and some grape.

I talked to my mother back in Italy.

Regarding my teeth she commented that her experience back there was very expensive.

In Italy she has a medical insurance but the dentist is fully at her charge.

She got a couple of teeth implanted and the bill was  more that $10k out of her own personal pocket.

Well it is a different system over there.

I am sure that  in US the medical services are as well very expensive.

 Medical doctors do negotiate prices with the Insurance Providers. 

After proving services the negotiation of the billing might be going on for a while.

Simona is the main Insurance holder for the family.  I remember that once Simona got trapped in a ping-pong between herself and the Insurance for some extra charges. 

The Insurance was suggesting she was responsible for certain charges while her point of view was that no charges were pending. The situation went on for a while.
Finally she was able to get the situation corrected and these charges dropped.

Today I had no newspapers at the apartment as the kiosk stolen my money without opening.

The distribution system based on the kiosk belong to an ancient time. 

My personal experience is that the kiosk are very unreliable machine.
At time they steal money without opening and providing the newspapers other they fail to do a good job and are unreliable with the change.

In my opinion and experience this is a very antiquate distribution system in Bakersfield.
Enjoy the reading

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