Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thursday October 27

I had a good day yesterday.
 My morning started with a light and nutritious breakfast.

I then walked in the park had money management completed

I get the newspaper of the day from the kiosk

This morning I went to the AAC, I read the news for the day and at 11am I came here to the Homes of Hope with Alex (transportation person)

I enjoyed very much my activities for my day yesterday.

I cooked for dinner a healthy frittata with a side of  light  vegetables.

The egg frittata was made with Parmesan Cheese and milk.

A side of delicious red tomatoes, basil and cucumber.
Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar with a tad of salt to dress. 
Also I added basil leaves from my balcony.
Yes it has been growing for a while.

After dinner I went to the gym by myself
I signed out at 5:25 pm and walked to the gym where I arrived at 5:53 pm.

I had cycle with Cassie and later body pump with Sylvia.

They are both great instructors. Of course at the gym I greeted all the people of the community.

Maria, Michelle, Jim, Lee, Damian
They are working hard with me at the gym

Cycle is based on static cycle with variable resistance. Cassie is telling us what kind of resistance to use and for how long to use it.
 In this way she  can replicate a real experience of riding the street with hills and valleys.

Body pump is based on the use of weight to work on toning different part of our body: legs, arms, chest and back. I am using light weight as I do not want to hurt my body. 

I am there to have fun and to improve  my fitness. So I stay light and focus on precision of movement, repetition and speed.

So far so good.

I am supposed to leave at about 7pm.
I called transportation from CNS.

I had been waiting in the dark outside the gym for a while but nobody showed up.

After a while and after  I saw many people leaving and going back to their homes I thought, why not me? Why do I have to wait on the transportation and its will?

So after a while of being in the dark  I took off and walked back to the apartment by myself.

It takes me 25 minutes to walk from the apartment to the gym  and 35 minutes to walk back in the night after the gym

Of course I know quite well the way back even in the dark.
I paid attention to the rules of the road and to the road  crossing.

I had my fun for the evening.

 In my experience there are drivers that are not very familiar with sharing the road with pedestrian. These are the ones I am paying attention the most. On the contrary others are more experienced  and fluent in maneuvering with the pedestrian traffic. They are the ones who share the road and kindly wait on the pedestrian crossing before taking off.

At the apartment there was the Halloween Carnival.
From what I saw it was all very well organized and the staff worked hard to make the place ready for the feast.

I have to confess that I am feeling  a bit grown up for this kind of events.
Hence I had made a conscious decision of hitting the gym ahead of time.

When at the apartment I signed back in - they accepted me signing back by myself. I was told a supervisor had come to pick me up. But I made it by myself back.

I had my night showers. Also the usual night snack: a shake with Hemp Protein, frozen bananas and milk. A delicious and healthy blend to replenish the body with fluid and with easy to digest protein.

This morning when I called home I talked with Chicco our eldest.
I explained him about the Onomastico recurrence.
He said it is fine.  Because they were both born here in US they are not familiar with this recurrence at all.
It is typically an Italian matter .

Regarding our kids here is the situation with their Onomastico.

S. Francesco is celebrated on October the 4th.

S. Jacopo is celebrated on the 13th of April, and the on the 13th of July. 
I also found on the web that it is celebrated on Christmas day (December the 25th) as it is Jacopone di Todi

During lunch I called my mother in Italy on her cell phone.
She was having dinner with a group of friends.
They were eating the desert: cake and strudels.

I heard she was having a good time with her friends. It is a relieve for me knowing she is doing well.

For lunch I had brought an easy one: chicken soup with Basmati brown rice and an apple.

Enough for the level of activity for today.

Tomorrow it is Marina Baby shower. She is coming at Homes of Hope with her little son.
She has been out in maternity leave for a while.
I am glad they are both doing fine.
Enjoy the reading

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