Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday October 26

An open letter to CNS and Jolanta.

Dear CNS and Jolanta, I am following on the arrangement and inappropriate comments  I am subject when in presence of a female patient of yours.

For instance today she called me "You Italian" clearly addressing me with my nationality.
It is an insensitive comment.

She might have aphasia, she might have a debilitating brain injury  granted however she is not excused for her nastiness.She got hinged on my back, relentlessly taking on me  with an obsessive behavior. 

In my mind her insensitive approach is as if I were to address her as "you old person"

 Perhaps I will start to address her as 'you old person'.. as she is clearly part of what we would call a  senior citizen.

This morning walking at the park after returning receipt for money management 

At the time my nose hurts thanks to another patient of yours hitting me  some time ago. 

To be exact on Wednesday October 5. It is exactly 3 weeks to the day.

It is all appreciate of  the care I am receiving here at CNS.

Based on my own assessment there are a lot of shortcomings at the AAC:  too overcrowded, no real room for therapy... you know the whole story..

There is dynavision room supposedly to be used by patients to improve theirs reflex.
It  has been monopolized by Mr John W. with the approval of all CNS as clearly this is not a priority for you all. 

You clinic at Mnt Vernon has little to offer as a real activity place, perhaps you want to keep it low key in that way.

I go there read the newspapers. Of  course when the vending machine decide to open without stealing any  money I manage to have the newspapers. Other day I have to put extra money from mine as the same kiosk vending machine does not function  with high reliability.

Every  day I found a quiet place here at the Homes of Hope 
It is called voluntary placement, well it is a place I am comfortable with and away from the ugliness of the CNS reality. Homes of Hope  is populated by person who function  normally. 

They have not been injured like the patients at CNS.

But let's go to my own journal.

Yesterday evening a normal Tuesday without any Personal Shopping needs.

I had my 5pm Metagenics medication and got a light supper.
Chicken Soup with pesto

I signed out at 5:20 and walked by myself  to the gym. I arrived at 5:48pm.
Right on  time for body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike.
I called at the reception to let them know I had arrived and went on with my work out

At the gym I greeted Wayne, he is a nice person. We quickly talked about the election.

It is very interesting to accept  his point of view. He is most definitely a republican supporter.
We always touch base about the status of the country. He has a colorful way of expressing his ideas.

At the gym I greeted a lady I anomaly meet at church with her husband Luis.

She mentioned that Luis  is doing better and better. She looked happy she can share her struggle with another person.

After the gym I came back to the apartment, got my night shower and the usual snack: a shake with Hemp Protein and frozen banana.
I got used to always having a hemp protein shake after my workout at the gym.

Yesterday at  the gym Kyle was  there as well to make sure I was fine. I know I have the status of IOP (Independent Operating Patient) yet CNS checks on me constantly.

As it emerged Kyle  was with a different patient who right after the gym had a  meeting in Bakersfield.

I am simply mentioning that I am operating along different rails.

As always my wife and the boys are off doing their busy life.

She is taking the kids to school and off to Caltech University.

The boys are aware the family is separated and they fully depends on Simona.
I have been and will be out of the picture for a bit longer time.

I have been out of their lives for the past four years,  I will be out of their lives for some more years to come. Acceptance is at the base of the recovery process.  There is no real hurry.

Typically I  call the family at 7am when the boys are awaken.
We talk  about their breakfast and their activity after school.

Yet she has to follow her day with focus on her very demanding  job.

For lunch I brought chicken broth with spaghetti pasta and a Bartlett Pear

I believe it is not  the last chicken soup I have at the apartment.
It is has been full filing a useful purpose. Nutrition light food, home made and really healthy.

Anyway I am always well stocked with food. At the apartment I have a lot of food.
I am always making sure it does not spoil and I make sure to eat what needs to be used first.

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