Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday October 4th

It is S. Francis of Assisi day.

Here is a good quote from S. Francis

Today pope Francis in Rome might celebrate the day of his patronymic saint.

I called my brother Francesco to with him a happy Onomastico.
He is attending a trade show in Milan as his company sent him over there to be part of the event.

I am fine and stronger.

I had a really full couple of days.

Yesterday as always on Monday I had Yoga with Lilli and then Cycle with Cassie.

Channel the supervisor took me back and forth from the gym.

I shared with Cassie that  I stopped using a machine called Leg Sleds. 

I was arching my back and as a result I was accumulating a lot of strain  on my lower back. 
The result is that my lower back had been hurting significantly.

No more of this type of machine for a while she agreed, she could not hear me that well the other day. Anyway I know now what to do and what not to do for my own body.

My nurse at CNS -Melissa-  confirmed as well that I will need to take it easy for a while.

Once back from the gym I took the usual shower and unfortunately  I hit my head on the towel dispenser of the bathroom of my apartment.

I had a superficial scratch next to my shunt. 

It is alright. Nursing was informed and they came to check it out.

It is not the first time I  do some stupid thing with my head.

A good breakfast makes my day going faster

I took a good stroll at the park near the apartment as every day I am using the time to walk my body up.  I snap a picture, get the newspaper of the day.

It is a good way to get a feeling for my day and to get the blood flowing in my body.

The local flowers at the garden are really a pleasure to watch

The local weather in Bakersfield is well suited for the roses.
Beside the gardener Jill is really taking care of the flowers by keeping healthy and well polished.
After the following morning routine I catch the van to go to the clinic at Mt. Vernon.

Over there I interact with other patients, read the newspapers. At 11am I signed out and come to the Homes of Hope.
Here I am working on the computer on my blog.

Today I just had a wireless mouse and a pad for the computer I am using here at the Homes of Hope.

Brandon mentioned it stays with the computer at the Homes of Hope.

The mouse equipment makes a huge difference in my capability of using the Laptop.
The precision and speed it offers is not comparable with the use of the computer touch pad.

I am glad a good solution has been found.

Homes of Hope is a foster parent agency in Niles street, Bakersfield. It is devoted to providing a place for foster kids to have a little activity during their day.

It also provides placement for kids that needs to have a foster family.

There are about 100 kids that take advantage of the service of this agency.

As I am here everyday I am bringing stickers for all the kids. I am therefore the stickers man for them.

They play with the stickers, use it and they go on. The next day they will have a new batch of stickers.

Time to eat.

I had a very good lunch. I cook really well and tasty.
I had the last piece of the polpettone, a healthy salad,  a couple of bread slices and an apple.

However the next time I am going to make polpettone I need to cook ahead the celery, carrot with the soffritto. The plan is to make sure the hard veggies are cooked first and lightly seasoned before incorporating it with the ground turkey.

 I most likely will need to let it cool down.

Afterward I can add the cooled veggies to the ground turkey together with a couple of eggs to keep it together. Most likely a bit of bread crumbs will be part of the ingredients.

I have a clear plan to cook a better polpettone...

For lunch I had a slice of polpettone, a mix of salad a couple of whole wheat bread slices and an apple.

Eating healthy and staying healthy this is what I like to do.

I believe that I have identified the machine at the gym that has been giving me the back pain I have been suffering. The machine is called leg sled. It makes working my legs by moving a weight along a rail. The trouble is that while doing it I was arching my back and putting a strain to my lower back.

I have been battling the pain for a long time. I believe I have a theory on what I was doing wrong at the gym. For a while no more leg sled.  It is not worth of the pain.
Enjoy the reading


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