Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday October 17

It is a good day in Bakersfield.

The air is getting cooler and cooler,

I had a very busy weekend.

For instance last Friday I wrote a nice letter for my boys

On Friday evening I went to the gym by myself.
I signed off at 5:30 pm  and reached the gym at 6pm

I did work on leg curl and then I did 10 minutes of multimode rope training at level 5. This machine helps building my core..
I did Zumba and cycle 

I came back with CNS- Jamie picked me up- as it was too late to walk back at that time of the evening.

Last Saturday morning October 15 I took my time to clean the whole apartment.

Leaving room




Cleaning the carpet on the whole apartment.

Washing the floor tiles.

It is all clean.

Of course I changed my bed, washed all my clothes and my bathrobe

In the morning I also went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

She is Jamie always making sure I have a good experience.

I had the usual good time over there.
I spent $106.64
Got stickers and all good food. 
I purchased ground meat to make a meatloaf (polpettone)
Jamie mentioned that her daughter Delaney is dressing as a Zombie bride while her son Logan has no costume.
As I have learned within the community a Zombie  bride is a some how popular costume for Halloween.

Our kids have selected the following Halloween dress: Chicco a Taco while Lapo a SWAT officer.

In the evening I went to see a nice movie.

It is the Accountant with Ben Afleck

It is the story of a highly functioning autistic person that makes his living  with two activity:
accounting and executing people for a pay.

A high adrenaline story. With a sweet side as it shows the vulnerable nature of the main character.

On Sunday morning I went to the S. Philips the Apostle church.

It is a nice community.

At church I balanced my outing money by giving $4.25. 

In the parking lot Caroline came to say hi to me.

At church the knights of Columbus are always active.

After church it is gym time finally!

I signed out at 2:05pm and arrived at 2:35pm

The gym is only one mile away from the apartment.

At the gym I worked on 
- multi mode robe trainer  level 5 distance 1 mile in 15 minutes
- rotary torso 4x20  40lb
-chest press 4x20 54lb
shoulder press 4x20 45lb

While at the gym I took my weight. I am 176lb on  the analog scale.

I worked out until 4:10pm.
Icalled CNS and let them know I was coming back at the apartment.
I walked back and reached the apartment at 4:42pm when I signed back in.

My day was not completed so for the evening I cooked Polpettone (meatloaf)

I had purchased both turkey and beef ground meat.

In  a separate pan I made some light  soffritto by chopping onions, celery and carrots and cooking it with Coconut Oil.

I let the soffritto cooling down a bit.

I mixed it with the meat, added bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, seasoning and a couple of eggs.

I mixed it all with a spoon and later I used my hands to mix it better.

I cut some wedge potatoes to add on the side to the polpettone.

It cooked for 40 minutes at 350 F in the oven.

Once done,  I turned on the broil on only for a few minutes to brown the top.

Here is the result. Beautiful isn't?

I let the polpettone cooling down.

I organized the food this way.

I sliced the first polpettone, separately put it with aluminum foil in a large plastic container.
Dated and store it in the freezer.

The second polpettone instead is going to be kept in the fridge. It will be providing food for this week.

Last night it has been raining.
It is a rare view having the local flowers covered  with water droplets 

My Nurse and Simona managed to get me at the dentist at 11 am the day after tomorrow.

Besides the yearly cleaning, the pain at my teeth will be carefully screened.
I received the following recommendations:
-Use Ibuprofen for lessen the pain
-3 to 4 times a day apply a cold hold cloth to the affected area for 20 minutes
-eat soft food
- do not open the mount beyond 2 inches.

Regarding the food my mother has recommended me to cook all the vegetable as well.
Cook the carrot and celery first as the green leaf needs less time to cook.

We will see 

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