Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Tuesday October 18

This morning I have received a letter from my mom back in Italy.

I still needs to read it and I have left in at the apartment.

The flowers at the apartment are too beautiful to remaining unnoticed.

Simona and the boys are fine.

Chicco was eating Nutella spread on a slice of bread, Lapo was eating his cereal with milk.
The boys are at school.
Today they have homework and piano practice with Liz.
I had a good and light breakfast easy to chew as I am having a toothache.

 For dinner yesterday I had meatloaf (polpettone)  with potatoes.
I made the polpettone the other day.

After cleaning the apartment I went to the gym
Yesterday Yoga with Lilli and cycle with Cassie.

Yoga is soft stretching gym with a lot of good balancing move.
As always I did my best given my current physical limitations.
Yoga practice is such that focus on the good things in life.

My program is such that I can stay at the gym until 7pm afterward it is time for me to get back. 
Get a final protein snack (Hemp protein, banana and milk). Yesterday I added some peanut butter, it was the last spoon I had at the apartment, I need to  buy more next Saturday. It gives a good flavor to my post gym shake. 

I had a good lunch at Homes of Hope courtesy of Mr Dr Kilby

beans, pulled pork and nachos.

I enjoyed my food 

I am OK, Simona is fine.

She is recommending me always to pay attention to what I am doing.

Let me look into work that I have been given here.

An outline for the prudent parents law of California.


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