Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thursday October 13 2016

Already, yesterday after therapy I came back to the apartment.
It was a Wednesday and a new schedule of activity was available at the CNS apartment, the assisting living facility I am currently following my rehabilitation program.

Obviously the ones who knew it was time for a new schedule were really making sure they did not take any action.

In fact one of them (Patient J.)  told me "hey where are you going?" showing that she knew very well but did not act.

Therefore I went at the reception got the new schedule from the activity coordinator, distributed it to everybody  and started cooking. At 5pm it was time for  signing  up for the movie outing. Next movie I would like to see is the movie "The Accountant" with Ben Afleck.

For dinner I  cooked a delicious  risotto with zucchini squash.

I first prepared the soffritto by carefully  slicing  onion, celery and carrot.
I used  Coconut Oil to make the soffritto.

I cut the zucchini squash into round slices.

Here is me being happy to cook for myself and by myself. 

Jennifer came to check on me, she snapped  this picture and left. 

While she was there I kidded with her about. I pretended that the carrot I was slicing was my finger.
She was astounded and surprise by my wit.

She forgot her water bottle when she left. I called CNS and let them know. hence she  came back to fetch it.

It took about 40 minutes for the Basmati rice to be ready.

For the risotto I used a vegetable bouillon cube from Simona.

When ready I used Parmesan Cheese to sprinkle on the top of  the risotto. It got really creamy.

I had some for dinner. The rest will be for tonight dinner. 
I  am planning to mix it with eggs to make a frittata  later tonight. We will see how it evolves.

As sport activity yesterday evening I went to the gym.
Jennifer took me to the gym. I had cycle and later body pump with Sylvia.
At body pump I used light weight and stayed light, without loading too much my body.

At cycle Cassie is working on moving the class legs.

She has started addressing the class using the word "team".

It might sound it more fashionable but I frankly do not like this talking. 
As if she were addressing a team of coworker on a company floor.
It is a  term that should be used with more care.

Apparently they believe this is what motivates the gym floor.

I like very much the gym environment there are many people that are far from knowing what is like to be living at CNS. 

Whenever they take me alone I enjoy the ride.
Whenever there is another person on the ride I can see the difference level of independence and proficiency.
I see the way the other person hand carries his belonging without using a sport bags, I see how far the distance is between the two of us. Not judgmental but yes there are differences that are apparent for obvious reason,
As I am in a Rehabilitation facilities there are  seldom time I can stay at the gym by myself.
Once back I made myself a shake with Protein and put in the fridge the rice I left outside to cool down.

Today as every Thursday the Insurance provided me with $24 for Outing and $75 for grocery.

The former is OK while the latter is short for my eating needs.

I like to eat healthy and staying away from Junk Food.
I do not like empty calories at all. I like eating  a variety of healthy food.
A lot of Protein. Some white meat chicken or turkey.

A lot of vegetable, fruits and nuts.

Organic whole milk and yes a lot of coffee.

 It is all Organic food I found at Trader Joe's. 
Historically Simona has provided me with a Personal Account.
It supplement the money that the Insurance passes.
 I've been using it as needed.

As my needs have historically been many I  am using it a lot.

I remember Simona mentioned once I am using it as it was made of candies  (she told me Caramelle)
So let it be... at least I shop the way I like.
It is something that  I enjoy doing staying healthy and being healthy.

By the way today is grocery shopping list. This is a list that needs to be provided at CNS for patients' shopping needs.

I will be making it carefully. I am going to focus on the good things in life.

I have already too many issue by myself.

 By the way how about the morning fire alarm?

It shows I am not living in my house as I would never be order to evacuate the premises after taking a shower. I told them I was drying myself.. The answer it does not matter to them. Just get out as is.

Well I took my time to get dressed at least dear CNS...perhaps it does not matter.
why does every body has to pay for the fault of any single person or NRS?

But it does matter to me....

It is a double coffee day today. Two full Bialetti Coffee makers  already sipped through with great joy.

morning breakfast 

The park in the morning is a good place to roam free of charge. After the fire alarm. Distressing as I had already my Tylenol this morning. I feel a wisdom tooth back on the bottom jaws  on the left hand side. It was hurting this morning.

The park is always good in the morning of course  under the watch of the Rehabilitation Facilities at Bakersfield California 

No matter what happens it is 8am time to wake up dear patients and to drink water.
It does not matter that the alarm went off this morning life does not change after all. 
Fire drilll and alarm passed.

my mother is in Italy.

She sent me the picture below. It shows her roses at home.
It is a skimpy " striminzito" flower she has on her balcony back at her home.

Time to eat 

I had a left over chicken broth with Organic Brown Rice and and Orange
It is time to run trough the broth.

Let's talk about the fitbit band I have.
In today's papers it says this is a very widespread device in US.

However it is also said that it is  far from offering a reliable monitor of one's activity.
It is a clear negative article regarding fitbit and its products.

In my own opinion the article should have focused on the actual elements that fitbit has not been delivering.  This device is not water proof only sweat proof.

You always have to take it off whenever you submerge your hands in water.
Here is what it is said on the company website.

Keep it cheap keep it low quality. Well as a lot of people purchased this product it has had a lot of traction in the pubic.

The company has updated the device to a second generation to improve on the original limitation of the first device.
Grocery list today of course


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