Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday October 25

 I feel I am a hurry today.
I am sleeping better and a bit longer than usual. I am waking up at 7am rather than at 6am.
Light is coming up slowly during Fall time. 

Hopefully we are going to soon change the time and switch back to regular time.

On November the 6th DST ends. Looking forward to it.

 In the morning I had a quick breakfast

I cleaned all the dishes by hand, cleaned the table and the floor.

  I then quickly walked around the park near the apartment 

The roses near the apartment are always making a great appearance.

I got the newspaper as Amanda gave me the money for it and walked to catch the bus.

Yesterday evening I decided to stay back at the apartment. I  wanted to cook in peace without any hurry.

 I cooked a good chicken broth
I  wrote a letter to my family.

Here is the well proven recipe to make an excelled chicken broth.

I diced an onion,  a few  celery sticks, a few potatoes  and several carrots

I purchased early a diced squash I used for  the soup.

Carrots celery onions and potatoes all lined up so that I do not forgot anything.

Here is the soffritto lightly browning in a pot with Coconut Oil.

                             Of course a bouillon cube was added to the soup

I also carefully added a pinch of Pyramid salt.

At some point I thought that adding  a bay leaf to season was a good idea.
After 40 minutes the broth was ready and the chicken fully cooked.

I carefully removed the bones from the chicken drumsticks.

I added Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese.

While I was cooking Sierra came to visit me. 

She checked on me, on my meds and on my cooking spree.

She snapped this picture of me with my white apron and left.

I cooked spaghetti on a side in a separate pot.
You see it behind me ( the red pot)

I enjoy very much cooking and cooking healthy.

I love cooking a enjoying a good food. 
Obviously I like very much Antony Bourdain
I like any ideas that can be used for me in making a good meal.

As I do not like cakes I never bake.

I never buy food that is prepared. I enjoy very much getting down to making a healthy meal from scratch.
Obviously this approach is very expensive on my grocery bill.
Simona and any body at CNS knows it very well.

I am very seldom have to throw any food away as I am constantly using the food that has to be used.

I received a charger for the docking station from Simona.

The one I have is working again I am going to keep it so that it can be returned to Amazon.

With Amazon Prime you can returned unopened items and get full credit for the money.

This morning I went to the AAC, read the newspaper and then at 11am signed out and came here at the Homes of Hope in Niles street. Alex drove me here today.

For lunch I brought my chicken soup, in a separate container my pasta spaghetti so that it does not absorb all the broth.
I had a pear as fruit.

Getting too comfortable? 

While eating I called my mom in Italy using Skype.

We talked about the upcoming Halloween celebration at the last day of October. 

It is becoming popular in Italy as well. It is obviously an imported tradition as it does not belong to the local  Italian tradition.

In Italy there is the religious tradition of celebrating at church All the Saints.

In that day people are called to visit the graveyard where their loved ones and relatives are burred.

I remember that our family used to go the graveyard in S. Gregorio di Veronella where all the Rossi family is buried. Over there there is the family burial with the whole relative of my dad.

The day was spent at the graveyard after bringing flowers ( chrysanthemums flower) for the deceased ones of the family.

Here is an example of the beautiful chrysanthemums flower

Well as far as I know everybody is well.
I talked to Simona early this morning.
I synch'ed briefly with her about the boys.

Today their activity is piano and homework,

I will be going to the gym as my food is already cooked.

Enjoy the reading

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