Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday October 24 2016

It is already a hot day in Bakersfield. Very unusual temperature for a Fall Weather.

I keep dressing up with long pans and long sleeves as if it were a cold temperature.. which is not.
Temperature is the 80s with rain expected for Thursday and Friday..

We will see how it goes.

My weekend was as good as possible.
Given the boundary condition

I have followed my program to the letter.

Last Friday I went to the gym as I  had Zumba night.

Caroline with a red hut, Lee with a white towel, Salve next to me  and Saira in yellow shirt.

The same picture in a different position. Lee was gone  by then.

Good music and good environment.
I walked to the gym by signing out by myself. It  took 35 minutes by walking over there from the apartment.

I came back and Brandi signed back on my behalf.

Saturday morning was spent as every Saturday morning for taking care of my apartment first.

Local flower

The park next to the apartment is really nice in the morning

A picture from Italy. 
It is of a birch in front of the apartment I used to leave in Verona Italy.
My mother Marta leaves there nowadays. 

In the late morning I went to Trader Joe's
Over there everybody was happy to see me shopping.

She is Jamie - always good with me.

She is confirming that her daughter Delaney is going to be dressed as a Zombie bride.

Her son Logan is too little to dress up for Halloween.

I brought for Delaney a Halloween pin. Jamie appreciated.

My bag of grocery..

The pumpkin outside the store.

I spent $100.44 some might consider it a lot.. I consider it appropriate for my needs.

While at the Store I greeted Jolanta my Case Manager at CNS. 

As always  while I was cooking Basmati rice I have ben writing to my family.

it is a letter for the boys and my family.
Our eldest reads it all, Lapo is still too young to make the effort.
I am addressing to the boys anyway for the future.

In the afternoon I went to see a movie.

Jack Reacher: Never go back with Tom Cruise

the movie made a large success in US.

However here is my personal point of view.

I paid $12 as it was on the large screen MPX and Surround Sound System.

After considering the cost and the movie, my conclusion was that it was not worth the money.
Too expensive for what it is worth, of course this is my own personal opinion.

The movie grossed $218M .

My mother sent me the following pictures of a red cat.
It belongs to my brother Francesco

When our two kids went to visit my mother and Francesco in Italy, they quickly adopted a cat each.

This one was adopted by Lapo. At the time the cat was a little puppy.

Today the cat has become a small lion.

Last Sunday I went to the S. Philippe the Apostle church in Bakersfield.
Monseigneur Salvatore (Sal)  has finally got the responsibility of the church

He read the Gospel of the tax collector and the pharisee.

The attitude each of one approaches God makes the difference in our relationship with Him.

After church I had a quick lunch and went to the gym. I signed out at 1:50pm arrived at the gym at 2:20pm. I have learnt to be extra careful especially when young girls are driving.

 It might  sound stereotypical but I noticed I have to be extra careful with them  since they do not pay  a lot of attention to the pedestrian traffic.

Other more experience drivers are more alert and know how to pay attention to the pedestrian.

Anyway at the gym I  worked on the item  following

-I did 2.5 miles of stair master at level 5. It took me 37 minutes.
-I worked on the multi-mode robe trainer at level 5. This is good for my core and back posture.
This machine helps strengthening my back muscle. Cassie recommended me to work on it. She works at the gym as a Personal Trainer. Whenever I see her I ask her tips regarding what improvement to do to  my routine.
I used this machine for 20 minutes and did 1 mile on the robe.
All working my core and using my arm to pull a rolling robe downward.

I also completed my workout by doing rotary torso: 4 set of 20 rep at  40 lb.

At last I stretched my legs, my back and my arms.

As always light weight and repetition to protect my body and to avoid any possible injury.

While at the gym I took my weight. It is 177lb

I stayed at the gym for 90 minutes.
I left at 3:50pm and walked back to the apartment.

Outside the gym there was a nice Mercedes car parked. I snapped a picture of it for the fun of it.

I signed back in on time for my Metagenics meds.

Coming back I expressly asked to see management as I wanted to access my personal account.
It is Personal and it is there for me to access it.

Deidra came by and I filled in the cash req for $50.

She asked me what I need the money for.

The matter is that  I felt I needed money for Grocery.. as every time I go to Trader Joe's I spend more than CNS gives me which is $75.

As it is a Personal Account set up for me  I got what I wanted to have.

She was kind enough to do it on a heart bit.

She told me that there are only $5 left on it.

I had a good lunch: Pesto Spaghetti, a polpetta and grapes 

All good 
It is time to leave in a bit.

Today the boys have Taekwondo.
They are going directly from School.

Simona will be busy to be at Caltech at her office.
She is pushing hard for her to get through her tenure package.

It will be in a few months.

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