Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wednesday October 5

This morning I have  been assaulted at the bus by another Patient
The CNS's  rule is that they do not like when I use the full name of a patient.

This morning while on the bus another patient did hit me with a full swing  while holding a radio in  his hand. The radio ended up on my face.

I believe his  action would   qualify as an assault and battery under the California law .

Certainly CNS did feel the heat of liability as they removed him from the scene

Here is the form that was faxed to me right away from CNS. They know they are liable  in the court of law. Clearly

As expected  nobody of my family got involved.

My mother was happily exchanging email with me about the music on the bus.

When I called her to let her know I got hit on the face this morning she changed approach, she has no clue of the situation at CNS. She has no interest whatsoever to get involved with it. She is withdrawing her interest. I do not blame her. 

The family is going to come to visit  me from La Canada in Bakersfield for a single day next  Saturday.

They are going to arrive here at some point after noon time. 

We are going to have lunch at Panera bread. 

The plan is that in the afternoon we are going to get new sport shoes for me. The one I have did run out of steam.  It is the only type of shoes I am using here while at CNS so obviously I  need a new pair once in a while. I am currently using Nike Zoom sport shoes.  

Yesterday as almost  every Tuesday I went to the gym
I had body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike

At body pump I learnt to focus on repetition precision and range of motion.
Over there I try to bend my legs, obviously  because of my brain injury I have been having problem bending my legs while keeping my body stability. 

The way to compensate for it is to have a strong core.. obviously I know that and I am in the process of working on it.

Zumba was next, a lot of rhythmic movement at the sound of music.

I have to say, Zumba with Mike is my least favorite event of the week, 

He is a good guy no doubt about it. It is a matter of personal preference.

At the gym I met Cassie. She works there  and  recommended me to use a machine  that works on my core.

It is based on a pulling down a robe while sitting on a bench. It will be strengthening my back and front muscle. 

I receive the radio on my face and did not react back. 

Enjoy the reading

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