Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday October 28 2016

It is a warm and pleasant day in Bakersfield California.

I wake up in a good spirit ready to work. I had a good light breakfast
Cereal, milk, peanut butter and honey with a couple of whole grain bread slices
 with a  yogurt.

Today it is my wife Onomastico (Birth name)

It is Saint Simona. I called home the boys and Simona.

She appreciated my thought. Our boys are not familiar with this recurrence which is typically an Italian one.

Today I did not get any newspaper money at the apartment as the machine had refused to cooperate with me. Brian gave me extra money to feed the machine. It did not work and the extra money got stolen..

I touched based this morning with AAC and then came to Homes of Hope.

Over there today they have movie day.
I stay there for as little as I can or have to.

I chatted with miss  Lisa (Elizabeth) about the reality of the situation in the Philippines. She had been doing missionary work over there.

We talked about the responsibility of the church and its behavior when confronted to the political situation. It is a hard reality when politics mingles with religion practice.

We also did comment a bit about the upcoming political election. We agreed that we are not enthusiast about the current choices. Yet there is a candidate (the blue one) that represents the best choice. The other candidate (Republican) has been running a divisive campaign, he also pushed forward  a very hard agenda to accept.

Then we are both working on our tasks.

My healthy breakfast

Flowers next to the apartment. Can you spot the water droplet? A rarity in Southern California.

This morning my iPhone hanged out for a while. It got stuck in a  loop and it was not responding.

Luckily miss Araceli came in my apartment and showed my how to reset the phone.

It is a soft reset: this is the way it works. Simply press both the home and and power bottom for 10 seconds. It gets a soft reset similar to a restart or reboot.
Whenever it hangs up this is the best way to get it back to work.

To tell the it all, only this morning my phone needed a soft reset, I got scared as I was concerned I could not call my wife Simona.

In my profession there where two different reset procedures associated with the pixel operation.

The hard reset was a full discharge of the photodiode with a total erasing of the accumulated electrical charge.
A soft reset was applied as a way to more gently spill out the accumulated electronic charge.

This was not as an abrupt and decisive operation.

The associated noise charge was quite different as well.

  • For a full reset it had a full KT noise associate with it. In fact for a resistance R the thermal noise is 4KTR(DF) where DF is the bandwidth you are considering.
  • For a soft reset it is a partial value. It is showed that for soft reset (incomplete reset) this value is reduced by Sqrt(2)
Typically in pixel sensor a soft reset operation follow a hard reset one.

Here is a sensor that I have designed. It was called 3370. IT was a 2M pixel sensor HDTV 
This version is the monochrome version used in high end camcorder and digital video  professional recording cameras. 
You can find the  full datasheet here.

Today I went to the AAC first but I the machine that gives out newspapers did not work at all.

I kept feeding it with coins and it kept keeping the coins without releasing the newspaper.

I got frustrated and felt there should be a better way to distribute newspaper.

I believe in the XXI century there should be a more advanced and better way to provide newspaper to the community..perhaps they should offer the chance of pay with one's phone. 

This is my own opinion of course.. At least they should have distribution machines that are not stealing the money from the people around.

Anyway this morning I went to the AAC also known as the Mnt Vernon clinic

Typically on Friday they watch a movie and they have lunch that is provided to all the patients.

I am always bringing me with me lunch.

I was given a head started last week.  They told me that her at the Homes of Hope  as it was a special event. They  had my lunch with everybody Marina had a baby shower for her baby Alexander.

Here is me holding Alexander. I am clearly out of shape with my parental skills.

This is John holding Alexander.

John appears much at ease with the baby.

He might have some more experience than me.

John mentioned that he is going to be gone the whole next week.

He as distributed role and responsibility to all social workers.

He made sure that everybody was aware of his/her duties and he nominated a person that will cover for him while he is gone.

He clearly mentioned to watch for me as I should not drink his coffee while he is gone.

This is the light lunch that was offered to celebrate Alexander.

Yesterday evening after the clinic I came back to the apartment and compiled the grocery list for next Saturday morning.

I  then spend my time cooking.

 I made again a few meat loafs (polpettone).

I used ground turkey and beef, eggs,  and bread toasted.

In a large pot I mixed all together with seasoning.

 I cooked the veggy ahead of time. I seasoned it and added a bouillon cube to flavor.

The mixing yielded three large loaves that I baked in the oven for 40 minutes.

My mother was with friends having dinner. They were at Lino's house. He his the man with a white bear.

He has been leading a group of ladies to discuss about themselves and their personal life.

Tomorrow she is going to the family grave in S. Gregorio (Italy) for the recurrence of the All the Saints Day.

Enjoy the reading

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