Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday October 20

Today I had first of all money management completed as every Thursday

$24 +$75 as every two weeks, same story and same event.

In the morning Chaney came in the apartment for a routine cleaning of the carpet.

This is the shampoo machine he is using to shampoo the whole apartment's carpet.

It would  be easier to maintain had I  had been given a  hardwood floor. As my actual house in La Canada  has hardwood floor.

I had a quick and easy breakfast something small and easy on my teeth.

Yesterday I did cycle and then body pump.

Activity that I like very much.

I am taking care of my body at the gym without overdoing my work out.

I slept very little as yesterday evening I was taken back from the gym at a very very late time.
CNS came to pick me up at  7:18pm while the contract I have says 7pm.

Next time I am going to take off by myself at 7pm as they told me yesterday... we will see how well it goes.

If you want to have my opinion dear CNS here it is. I was let  waiting outside the gym with another patient of CNS. He  brings his own clothes by holding in his arm  without carrying a bag. Additionally he puts the pile of his clothes on the top of  a trash can..  and tells me to watch it for him. Am I a chaperon for him, am I his servant ?

Witnessing all this  is priceless dear CNS. 

It is a very fulfilling you can imagine.

Additionally dear CNS you are late on you pick up. I felt crossed and taken advantage by  CNS.

In a short sentence feeling held hostage at CNS.. let's call the way it is:  hostage of your service provider.

When I commented about it  to the Sup he  slammed the phone on my face...

In my opinion he is a nasty nasty person, whenever I ask him to connect me to nursing he says don't you remember the number .. it is 2703.

Dear Supervisor you have to learn about service providing skills.

I am sure Somebody over there will make your pay hard for your nastiness.

You see dear Super visor  I know why you have   not got  a  job that requires a higher level of skill set than yours.

Here is what people think about this job.

The CNS's  job  requires very little brain as you have no customer to  satisfy nor higher person to respond to. Let call him/her a boss and of course you take full advantage of the situation.
They are all about money and they are totally against everything they stand for. The pay is under wage and they let patients fall all the time and cover it up, they are always short staff , and super management from Human resource on down to the supervisors talk to you like.

A person of your limited skills should try a night job at the  closest Walmart center.
At night so that as at CNS your interaction with real people would be limited.

Here is a link you might want to try.

By the way I just checked for you,  it pays about $10/hours.
I guess it fits your current demand.

However final pay  and benefit is up to your negotiations skills.
I am sure you can demonstrate your inner negotiation capabilities.

I guess you have a bright a  Walmart associate.

but enough about you. To  me you are a sad sad person always with buggy clothes. Your dressing  appearance is the one of being a rather destitute individual. I guess you are who you are.. 

A quick lunch to finish my food.. of course.
Without any pleasure nor appetite.., I had to consume it so I just consume it.

Afterward I applied a cold compress to my left part of the mouth.
It alleviates the pain on my tooth. I have been told to do so.. obviously at the forefront of the medical treatment. Because the  use of  cold and hot compress  alleviates the inflammation.
Slowly it works.

Obviously I cleaned my teeth.

Today we signed a Card for Marina. His son Alexander Junior was born last night.

Mother and baby are resting. I am expecting her to take three month of leave. 
So she is going to be back at the end of January.

Tomorrow I have another dentist appointment. It is for the impression for the night guard I was given yesterday. 
Simona tells me I will never use it.. well you know mon amour it hurts enough so that I am going to use it this time around.


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