Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday January 13 2017

Well today is Friday the 13th..according to the local tradition it is a spooky date.
However I do not believe in it.

There are other superstition related to numbers in the world

For instance the number 4 is China is often completely avoided as it is pronounced as the world death.

 Check this elevator: it does not go to the 4th floor because there is no 4th floor.

Let's go back to yesterday activities.

Yesterday evening as forecast the day before I did not go to the gym because I  had a lot of food waiting for me to be cooked.

Therefore I have being cooking a vegetable chicken drumstick broth.

 I first made  soffritto  with onions, garlic, celery and carrots using Coconut Oil.

I let the soffritto brown gently for a  while then added butternut squash and potato wedges.

The butternut squash had to be used because it does not last that long.

Hence I wanted to use it while it was still fine. 

In the broth I added bay leaves, Oregano, a bit of pyramid salt and a piece of bouillon  vegetable cube. By the way pyramid salt is out of the picture at Trader Joe's because  it was not selling that much and it has been discontinued.

Because  I made time  for taking care of my food while I was cooking I wrote a letter to my mother in Italy. In the local CNS lingo it is called THP (Therapeutic Home Program)  it works on hands eyes coordination and fine motor skills.

Anyway it is a letter in Italian. My mother is fine back in Italy and she is conducting a very simple life.

Often she meets with her friends and people that care for her.

I mailed this letter  yesterday evening from Bakersfield

It  required four everyday stamps.

So here we go. It had left yesterday evening.
Typically sending a letter to Italy  takes a couple of weeks max.

On the contrary receiving a piece of mail from Italy might  require up to a month.

This is underscoring the huge difference in distribution systems between the two countries.
Anyway it is what it is, there are other differences more important.

My mother from Italy sent me the following picture of the snow flakes.

more about the status of the snow below

The view above is taken from the balcony of the apartment where I used to live in Italy before moving to US.

It brings back memories of a very distant past.

Anyway there has been snow over there. It is usually not the case as it snows very rarely.

As everyday I had a nice walk in the park early this morning. snapped a picture of the morning and sent it to me after being connected to the CNS network...trying to save data the Verizon data plan.

The results are mixed on this matter.

Simona called me this morning.  She took the kids to school then went to the bank to deposit a check and finally went to the Volkswagen car dealer to get a part for the Volkswagen Beetle  she drives.

She then was ready to go to work at Caltech.

Well at this point my breakfast is still missing from the picture.

Ancient seeds cooked granola, yogurt with Chia seeds, cereal with Omega Trek Mix.

As always this morning I went to the Mt Vernon Clinic aka AAC for staying just a nudge and came to the Homes of Hope directly.

I can not resolve myself being at AAC for long anyway. 
I remain allergic to the environment that generated me huge issues to my shunt.

Friday for the patients over there is a movie day and CNS provides them with lunch.
I understand it is a courtesy sign and they all are waiting for it to happen.

It is fine, the key is to eat healthy.

I had my food today, I brought again the chicken broth I  cooked yesterday also a bit of Basmati Brown rice with Parmesan Cheese. 

As it is cold the warm minestrone soup is well suited for the season.

As usual I was not expecting any food from anybody... I am fully aware of the self sufficient rules of this game. I like to rely on myself and on  myself only.
I eat what I set up to eat on the quantity I set up to eat.
 Nobody to tell me anything regarding the food.
I am aware of the quantity, quality and type of food.

During lunch I called back in Italy my mother. She is doing fine. Because of the snow in Verona she is limiting her mobility to the place she can reach with the car.

Plan for the next few days.

Tonight as I have food ready I will be going to the 24 fitness gym for my Zumba evening.
Tomorrow morning, the usual activity of the Saturday morning.

Cleaning the apartment and washing all my clothes, shopping at 10:30 am at Trader Joe's 
 More cleaning and more activity, finally in the evening I have booked for a movie outing at the Maya.
I would like to watch Patriots Day.
We will how it goes


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