Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wednesday January 4 2017

I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope

This is the office I am spending my time everyday  from 10 am to 2:30 pm... by doing anything?

Obviously not.. I have a computer a place to be I am filling the time I have to stay here by scrambling to fill the time with something.

I normally go to the AAC - the old clinic- reads the newspapers with the salient news of the day.  After reading a bit the newspapers one of the therapists takes over from me and I come here at the Homes of Hope.
I typically bring stickers and give it to the kids in the Arc. It is a small gesture of kindness. It looks they enjoy it.

I had received some new stickers for this year about the Rose Parade in Pasadena.

Today I talked with Sandra B. She is the Marketing manager here at the Home of Hope.
The reason is that a person at CNS (Angie) asked me to inquire about the chapel availability and its wedding pricing facilities. Previously I  had explained her that the Homes of Hope is offering this type of service. She is looking for venues to explore for either herself or her sister.

Today I  collected  this information from Sandra B She  is  the Marketing Manager here at the Homes of Hope.  I will give to Angie- or her sister-  next time I see her.

Today is a cloudy day. It was fine this morning right now it is drizzling.

It is expected to have some rain here in Bakersfield for the next few days.

It means the air is going to be cleaned up and its quality restored.

Today I had the first part of the money management completed.

I  balanced out my outing money with the church offering.Lose it or use it.

I had not spent all the food money - rather incredible for me. I started using the food stored in the freezer. So I gave back a bunch of food money.

As always I snapped a picture of the breakfast I had this morning.

Chia Seeds, Yogurt in a cup. A bowl of  High Fiber Cereal, blueberry and Omega Trek Mix with a lot of milk.

It is a good and complete  breakfast. My iPhone application says
50% carbs, 32% fat and 18% Protein. It is very close to my daily goal of food intake.
Ideally it would be 50%, 30% and 20%. Close enough anyway.

Yesterday evening I went to the gym. I had body pump with Ellie and then Zumba with Alex.

At body pump I am taking care of working on my body by doing a lot of repetitions and a lot of light weight. I am careful in selecting the right weight for my body. I am focusing on doing repetition and range of motion rather than on the heavy  weights.

Range of motion is bending my legs. It is apparent I am walking with twisted legs. I am trying to walk better and better. Oh well it is what it is right now. It has been a feature of mine for many years and will remain a feature of mine for the future as well.

At Zumba with Alex we did a lot of light cardio and  dancing movement  at the sound of music.
The music is always the same which is fine by me. Dancing? well this is it for the time being.

As always I enjoyed very much the gym environment.

I eat a bit before going to the gym - and a bit after the gym.

I just talked with my mother in Italy.

She told me that her apartment back in Italy was robbed.
The latest concern of mine right now is that the status of my own Personal Account is low.

My wife Simona mentioned that she has just mailed  a check to CNS.

Let focus on lunch: quick lunch with chicken broth

Hold on we are not done with the money situation.

Here is some useful information on how to set an automatic bank transfer with Wells Fargo

See the following link.

In my humble view it would be a great addition to the so called Innovation Department at CNS.

Innovation means after all figuring out how to do the same things in a more efficient way.

What else to deal with money in a check-less way. Welcome to the world of the XXI century...

They might have a good project to work for the new year.

Giuseppe Rossi

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