Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday January 23

It is a good and rainy day in California.
Finally it has started to rain down hard, and to bring the much needed water to the region.
The mountain have received a good blanket of snow, much needed water reserve for the warm season.

Still it is going a take a long time to recover from the drought.

It is a start that can make it hope for a reversal of fortune.

I touched based quickly at AAC this morning and quickly came here at the Homes of Hope as On Monday Tom S. Reads the newspaper.

I am working from my office at the Homes of Hope.

It serves the local community as being an agency for foster parents.

 The office I am using is next to Mr. Dr. Kilby the CEO of the Homes of Hope.

I have a nice cozy office a nice ACER laptop and all I need.

It is a neat place to use the computer and to rewind my memory for what has been happening during the past day. Today it is busy for me as I have to download all the activity for the weekend.

Last Friday January 20th I have been cooking a really good  vegetable soup.

As always I made soffritto with Carrots, Celery and Onion with a bit of garlic.
The veggies are all Organic from Trader Joe's.

I  diced the Zucchini squash 

I used Coconut Oil to cook.

It all cooked in the big pot.

I added Quinoa and brown rice with seasoning, 

It cooked for a while until ready.

After dinner I went to the gym.

The Zumba class had been cancelled.

It offered me the possibility to work on my own exercises.
Here is the log. As the water bottle opened in my bad my agenda got a good soak, in tune with the local weather.

As you can see I did Leg Press, Leg Extension, Chest Press, Crunch more Chest Press and finally rotary torso.
By the way the Inauguration is not for me at the gym.

As always I used  light weight and a lot of repetitions to tire the body and staying healthy. I finally came back at CNS and got my evening procedure and slept well.

Last Saturday I  spent my morning taking care of my apartment.

Cleaning my personal items, taking care of the bedding, washing the bathrobe.. the usual activity of taking care of your own items.

I washed it all. As a matter of fact I also washed my gym suit (the winter one) with a few more things.
I had forgotten to pick it up in the drier over the weekend so I was lucky to notice it was missing and went to pick it up yesterday evening. 

Well I have been  cleaning the apartment and letting drying my personal things.

First I run the carpet cleaner on the carpet and floor of the whole apartment.

I found that a good product for cleaning is the baking soda.

The carpet in my bedroom was cleaned

I took care of the carpet in the adjacent bedroom which is empty

After vacuuming it was time to wash the floor with the swifter.

I took care as usual to clean my bathroom very accurately.

 I went to Grocery Shopping at my favorite place Trader Joe's

Actually the experience was good however regarding the schedule it was less than a positive and fulfilling  one.

We left at 11am rather than the  at the time that the schedule usual set. It is supposed to be  at 10:30pm

I felt taken advantage because I do not have a car with me...
As always when the schedule for the activities is not respected I feel things do not work as they are supposed to be working.

Therefore I set my mind, It is decided next time I am walking by myself at Trader Joe's at least I do not rely on their service to go. I am poised to come back with CNS anyway.

Finally I went to grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

The key for me was to buy flowers for my wife.
She came to visit me as it was a special day for me.

Here Jamie was helping me to choose the right products at Trader Joe's.

Here are my bags and flower for my wife.

Amazingly enough I spent only $60.69 far less than the $75 agreed by the Insurance.

There must be something deeply wrong with me, I should have spent it all over there.

My family came to visit me at 4pm.

I had a light snack and then they arrived.

We stopped at the book store to purchased books for our eldest son Chicco. He reads a lot.

Lapo took the chance of  showing  us is selected LEGO box

Simona mentioned he will have to behave in order to get to it.

We went with the whole family at California Pizza Kitchen to celebrate.

We all had a good and nice family dinner

Lapo working on his macaroni and cheese.

We ordered a good soup. 

You can see that we also had a flat bread as appetizer

While Simona sat next to Lapo I sat next to Chicco our eldest.

Chico and me we both  ate similar food. A large beef stake with potatoes and arugula.

I also ate the arugula Quinoa Salad.

Here is Lapo showing his nice smile.

Lapo called these pictures  Cornelia and i "granchi" , meaning Cornelia and the Crabs.. he meant to say Cornellia Africana  and i gracchi to reflect a real  person from the ancient Rome time.

We all had a good laugh. Lapo is always Lapo.

Simona was amazed as we ate everything. It was all good, I do not eat out in the community that often.

Meanwhile back in Italy, my mother was having a celebration for her birthday with her friends.

I am glad she had the strength to celebrate.
Looking at this picture it is not at her place either. 

She received two piece of poetry and a mystery box

My mother celebrated her anniversary by going to dinner with my brother and his wife in  Pastrengo.

Last Sunday January 22 I went to S.Philips the Apostle church on Stockdale.

As Simona came during the weekend and I did not spent any outing money at the movie theater I agreed with Anna as following: $8 will be used as charity at church. So I did in fact.

I will keeps $16 to be used this Wednesday at 7pm  for my haircuts at Great Clips.  The haircuts is $14 and I will leave $2 for Tip.
A good budgeting proposal.

At church it was read the following Gospel.
Jesus asked Paul and Simon to drop everything and to follow him. Father Salvatore was asking how many people would be ready to follow Jesus had he asked us to do so.

Father Salvatore mentioned that the day he got ordained his family become the church. He was indicating that he dropped everything and followed the Lord.  The Lord has called the priest to serve. Priests are from all over the world. We need to be flexible when we attend a service and there is a priest that may have an accent.  Sal mentioned we have to make a conscious effort in following the word of God.  Then he went on and talked about vocations. The vocation aspect comes from mom and dad and from the family's attitude toward  the church.

As Jesus told  Paul and Simon: " Come after me and I  will make you fishermen of men"

After church I had a quick lunch and then off to the gym.
Since it was raining Diego drove me to the gym

Gym time between 2:30pm and 4 pm.

At the gym I followed my own program.

I had time to do a full hour on the stepper at level 6.

I was able to do achieve 4.69 miles in 60 minutes.

I also worked on the multi mode trainer set at level 5.

I pulled down on the robe until I reached the distance of 1 mile.

I then stretched accurately using the gym common room.

I called CNS and let them know I was coming back  by walking by myself as it was a nice clear day.

It is extra PT therapy for me. As I am working toward walking better and better.

My weight on January 22 is 179.2 lb 

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