Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tuesday January 3 2017

It is a new year in Bakersfield. 2017 has started with a very good tone.

The past days I have had time off from the therapy work because of the new year recurrence.

Nevertheless I found things to do by myself at the apartment.

I slept well last night deep and reached the REM phase.

I am  feeling well rested overall.

I had a good breakfast as always this morning.

Cereal Kashi, Trek mix and hot milk.

As a side yogurt with Chia seeds.

This morning I enjoyed walking in the park  and I got the newspaper as well.

I went at the Mnt Vernon Clinic and read the newspaper - fact of the day- and at 10:30am I signed off and came here at the office, at the Homes of Hope. Per my Program.

Over the past days I  have been busy. There was no formal therapy at CNS because of the New Year break. I kept myself busy nevertheless.

Yesterday evening Monday I went at the gym.

I had Yoga with Lilli and Cycle with Misty

At Yoga Lilli was good in making a lot of torsion and stretching.

In doing so my soar back spine had a magic improvement. It is perhaps the case that something got entangled in my back spine . The twist and turn at Yoga  managed to fix it.

After Yoga I had static cycle with Misty. She is the lady standing behind me in the picture below.
It is static cycle -spin- and it mimic a real life experience indoor.

The instructor invites the class to modulate the resistance of the cycle.
Hence the Static Spin experience.

Before leaving as always I accurately stretched my legs. Not too much but not too little.. with care

I had the chance of writing to my family .... or as it called at CNS doing some THP (Therapeutic Home Program- Hand eyes coordination)

As always our eldest kid Chicco is reading my letters, while Lapo is right now not devoting time to  read it. Nevertheless I accepted it and I had always addressed my writing to the whole family.

I have been cooking a light soup: broccoli soup. Toasted the bread in the oven to resurrect it.

As always I added Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese.

Local winter roses.

Over the weekend my family came to visit me.

Simona came with the kids.

We went at the Maya to watch the movie Sing

The whole family enjoyed the movie show.

Before hand we went to have a quick lunch at Panera Bread

For New year I also wrote a letter to my mother in Italy in Italian and sent it to her back in Verona, Italy. Sending a letter to Italy requires 4 everyday stamps.

Well let's say that while I have  been able to send my letter to her,  she has some huge complex difficulties to target my correct address and apartment. After all this years at CNS the Italian family has not been able to get it right.

On the first day of the year I went to Church as it was Sunday at the S.Philippe the apostle church
It is a nice community of people and I am going at church on Sunday only. In fact  I am not overdoing it. Like many Italian people this is a recurring event that is connected to the  fact of their root. 

At Church I greeted Rose. She is Cassie's grandma.

Rose mentioned that her granddaughter is doing well and busy with a light assignment elsewhere.

Last Saturday I went to Trader Joe's for my Grocery Shopping

I greeted everybody and enjoyed the whole crew.

I spent a mere $67.39.
Got everything I had in the list careful written this time.
I had a short list because of the food I had already in the freezer.

As always Jamie was kind and patient with me.

She is posing next to the flowers with me.

Here are my Grocery Shopping bags.

As it was the last day of the year Jamie decided to make me a present.

We snapped  together this picture of the product offering.

Only a picture however because we all know my program.

It is just a present from her for being such a loyal customer. I like to think that I bring a touch of happiness to their busy day.  

I am always talking to all  the people at Trader Joe's, asking about their kids and family.

In particular Josh is showing me picture of his baby daughter. She is 2 month old.
I enjoy talking with Meredith and lessening to her recommendation on how to keep fresh its products.
Kenvas is always greeting me with courtesy. Her son Dante is doing well.

Janine is Jamie's sister. The two girls are related with each other.

There are all happy people at Trader Joe's. They are wearing fun Hawaiian style shirt and are enjoying their working day.

While shopping however you have to always be careful about the expiration date of items.

Fresh produce and older one are at time mixed together.

I wrote a Happy New Year Letter for the boys

A card for our youngest Lapo 

A letter for the rest of the family

Last Saturday as every Saturday I went to see the movie Passengers with the   CNS.

It is a nice science fiction movie. It is a nice movie about two people stranded on a long lasting space ship going to visit a new planet.

The two guys are the two only one that are awaken in the ship.

It is for a twist of the plot that they found themselves awaken at the same time. They fall in love with each other. They have a set back as the truth of the plot is starting to unfold.
They are humans after all.

As always I took my weight yesterday.

It is 180.2 lb stable as always 

The picture below is not easy  to read because the contrast on the liquid crystal display is low.

The liquid crystal display light is polarized.

 This is the principle of operation for a display such this one.

As a result  it is very challenging to take a good looking picture.

At time it is too dark, too light or lacks contrast as in the image above.

You have to tilt the phone just right in order to capture the best shot.
So as I step out the scale I was able to tilt the phone and to capture a good image.

I am feeling cold here at the homes of hope. My feet are freezing.

The windows are all open and it is not possible to heat properly any room.

The staff is trying to keep the door closed, however there is a lot of people coming in and out.

Very hard to heat it up.

I did not enjoy what I brought for lunch today.

I need to make sure next time it is a better lunch.

Today I had some pizza here at the homes of hope with an apple that I brought with me.

I need to be more selective in the things I am bringing with me.


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