Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wednesday January 11 2017

I am here at the House of Hope after going to the AAC the old clinic.

As always I stayed to AAC for a  little bit to  read the newspaper with the salient news of the day.

However I can not resolve myself to appreciate and to read the horoscope. It is beyond my level of understanding and acceptance.

As always toward 11 am I signed out and came here at the Homes of Hope in 501 Niles Street.

I have an office and a desk where I can work on my memory rehabilitation.

I have been working on memory, attention and emotional stability.

Normally I am doing my Physical Exercise by going to the gym in the evening after Therapy.

I am going to 24 fitness gym on Gosford. During the week I am taking classes.

On a  Sunday after church I am following my own personal workout program. I enjoyed it very much.

The other day along the way I greeted Erica Y. a CNS therapist at the Ashe Rd. This is the New Clinic of CNS.

 She used to be my therapist for Cognitive Rehabilitation (CR)

She sent me the  following picture. She is with   her  younger daughter Umi. Erica told me the picture was taken around the last  holidays.

Erica has another older daughter. Her name is  Sunn.

He husband is Jesse. The family is happily staying healthy.

I sent her back the most recent picture of my family: My wife Simona next to her Chicco now 11 years old and finally Lapo in red  7 years old. The boys are healthy and happy.

This was taken at California Pizza Kitchen some time ago.

This morning it  is a nice and warm day in Bakersfield.

As always I did my walk in the park to feel the air.

I had the first part of money management completed.

Receipt day: the whole $24 outing money for charity at church.

The grocery money was $91.35, this is for my food consumption.

At Trader Joe's I buy all organic food.

 I am aware and careful select the nutrition content of the food I purchase over there.
A lot of fiber and lean meat. Whenever I buy bread or rice it is whole grain.
I like cheese, so I buy regularly Brie Cheese.

I steered away from the marketing offering. I used to stop by to taste it but at the end I was buying food I was not coming to the store to buy  for. I therefore ended up avoiding their marketing offering.

This is the park today, it is a beautiful day.

Well  I started using the items in the freezer section of my apartment. The freezer is full of food I had prepared before.  Simona mentioned I shall start rotate the frozen food I made.
My food bills should become easier.

I had a good breakfast today.

Cooked Oatmeal, blueberry with Cereal and Milk, A yogurt with Chia Seeds.

Healthy breakfast for a  healthy living.

Oatmeal is keeping me full for longer time.
My mother  emailed me this morning from Verona, Italy.

She has received a letter for her birthday I sent a few weeks ago. She mentioned she also received from our boys a Merry Xmas card with a picture of the whole family.

I am sure she is enjoying all this mail activity from California.

Particularly I am very proud for my boys for taking the time to write to their grand ma in Verona, Italy.

I am sure my wife Simona has been providing  inputs to the whole family.

Yesterday evening I had a quick dinner and went to the gym.

Staffed pepper and a meatball from the freezer

At the gym I went by myself by signing out from the apartment.
I signed out at 4:20 pm after taking my Metagenics.

I arrived at the gym at 4:50pm

I  went early so I had time for many classes. I started with a  cycle class with Karen. It is a static bike with variable resistance.
Afterward I took a body pump class from Ellie. A lot of light weights and repetitions.

Other people charge themselves with heavy weight. I did it once and it took a while for my body to get over my strained back  muscle. Well I leaned my lesson.. Never trying to be what you are not..

Finally a Zumba class with Mike. Cardio and fun dancing at the sound of music.
At the end of it I felt exhausted.

Iesha from CNS came at the gym to pick me up at 7pm per the agreement with the Insurance aka my Program.

I cleaned up and slept well. I had a traumatic wake up courtesy by a different patient at CNS.

Lunch today 
A stuffed pepper with Ground Turkey meat and Quinoa.

Courtesy of my freezer.

As a side Grapes and an apple.

I have a new office here at the Homes of Hope.

It is quite corner as there has been a reshuffling of the assigned location.

Enjoy the reading.. today ...

The new schedule and the usual Wednesday activity.

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