Friday, January 6, 2017

Friday January 6 2017

Today it is celebrated the recurrence of the Epiphany aka the Three Wise Men

In the Catholic tradition they are three Kings that visited baby Jesus when he was a new born in Bethlehem.

The rain has been affecting all Kern County.

When it is not enough there is a drought condition and when it is too much there is too much water and the ground can not drain it out efficiently.

The temperature is low: today it not even 10 C.

The  park is trying to drying out from the accumulated rain fall.

It is going to take a while for the ground to absorb all the water.

At least the forest got a soaking to dispel the danger of the natural fire.

I am feeling better. The other day I was feeling sick to my stomach and my shunt was hurting.
I am feeling a sense of vertigo whenever  I am moving my head to fast.

I have slept fairly well yet the apartment's cacophony in the morning is stressing me out.

Screaming and coursing... it is really  a poor place for my head to be.

The Mnt Vernon Clinic is again an overcrowded and unequipped place.
 I am basically not doing anything at such place. Everyday the usual thing: reading the newspaper with the salient facts of the day..

There are many patients at CNS that are not working toward overcoming   their acquired deficits. They are perhaps not even capable of discerning their status.

The ones that attack others. When it comes to other patients, CNS is fine with it no legal action against these individuals.

Here at the Homes of Hope I had a very quick lunch, standing still.

After so many years at CNS,  I learned to eat very fast without dwelling on my food. With an ultra fast eating which translates with a very uncomfortable setting.

I am always pressured to eat fast  at time I am nauseated by not chewing  my food enough times.

The fact is that the first digestion happens by chewing your food in the mouth. The saliva breaks down some of the enzymes contained in the food.

Today while the other patients at CNS had their food, at the Homes of Hope as always there was nothing to eat for me,  it is OK as  I had brought my lunch.

I am fully skeptical in relying on anybody else for providing me with food for eating...

I eat my own food at least I know what I am eating..
Today I had my lunch in less than three minutes.

A healthy minestrone soup with grapes.
A bit of coffee and that it is for today.

I am going to be eating  later on today before going to the gym...

I am going to the gym today... by the way the other days when I was there two NRSs from CNS commented on me taking my class. I  do not appreciate their comments, and they are not supposed to even be there watching over. They only role is to be a caregiver by providing a simple impersonal service.

Unfortunately at time you have inexperience  young girls manning the CNS van and this is what you gets from their maturity.

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