Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday January 17

It is a cold day in Bakersfield California.

The weather is cold and foggy.

I had a good warm breakfast.

Hot cereal, cold cereal with blueberry and Organic Trek Mix.
Milk and coffee with my Pellicano  Coffee machine by Alessi

The park this morning is very quite and sleepy because of the atmospheric conditions: foggy around..

 Nevertheless I did my walking around to get he newspaper. Of course I bumped in  the many people at CNS that smokes... I frankly have a little tolerance for the ones that invade my privacy with their smoking habits.  It is a long standing feud with CNS... I am honestly beyond the acceptance of being smoked in the face by the other patients of CNS.

When I was going to Japan or China for business the situation was different obviously.

However here  in Bakersfield there is supposed to be a rehabilitation center for people that are sick.

Anyway there is a lot of moisture in the air, the temperature is cold hence the water condenses in the air.

It generates a lot of fog. The atmospheric pressure is obviously right  to allow this to happen.

As far as I remember, pressure,  temperature and humidity have to be right to produce fog during the cold months. The temperature for which the water in the hair condenses is called dew point.

The forecast for the week is good.

The newspaper is telling us that they are  expecting rain for this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

We will see how it is going to develop.

The forecast is  for rain during the weekend.
It is good, the  rainfall has started again in California. It is going to put a good dent to the drought.

This morning I went to AAC to read the newspaper of the day and then came here at the Homes of Hope as everyday from 11am to 2:30 pm to work on my short term memory by compiling my daily blog.
I am doing PT only in the evening as most days I am going to the gym.

Whenever I decide to cook at the apartment I skip the gym as nobody cooks for me.

The family is well, This morning Simona had already took the kids to school.

She mentioned that Chicco's project for religious education is coming along very well.
Our kids are fully aware they depends on Simona and that I am away from them, they realize who is the boss at home. I am not the boss, I stopped being in charge long time ago, and will be out of the game for long time to come.

Yesterday evening I had my yoga evening at the gym.
After therapy I had a quick dinner and signed out to go the gym

I signed out at 5 pm and arrived at 5:26 pm walking along the street.
I walked  by myself by holding the yoga mat under my arm.

Lilli is our yoga teacher.
She was surprised in hearing me ping pointing the physiological reasons for the movement that she is teaching us. I am not an expert but  I am aware of a few things here and there.

A lot of easy stretching. A few balance exercise that I was  doing somehow. obviously the most challenging ones are currently out of my reach.

The other people - the ones that are better balanced than me can hold their position by bending their legs or by standing on one feet. I can not do either.

Right now I am not capable of holding these positions at all.

After yoga it was time for static cycle with Misty.

She is the nice lady at my right hand side. Yesterday I took a picture hoping to get her shoulder tattoo.
 She appeared to be happy for me to focus on her tattoo.

You can recognize her helping me out.

Obviously I enjoyed very much any class that the gym has to offer.

After the gym I was feeling drained but happy.

CNS came to pick me up at the gym afterward.

 This is when my travesty with CNS service comes into place most of the  time I am at the gym.

Actually CNS was  late by 20 minutes so I started walking  back to the apartment by myself finally the CNS's van showed up and picked me up.

It is always the same story... CNS is supposed to be there by 7pm but for one reason or the other it is never there on time. My program sets my expectation for receiving a timely service.

Actually it has already happened that CNS did not showed up on time when they are requested to do so.

Again if it were an airline company - which is not- I would change my frequent flyer program.

(I am using Italic to show my frustration)

C'est la vie mon pot.. such is life when you depends on CNS and on the others to get something done.. you put yourself in a weak spot.  I am not capable of doing anything by myself that  is pertinent to moving-driving -  other than walking to the gym. Hence  I am subsequently dependent on a service that is chronically late and is chronically beyond any hope to get it on time.

At the Home for Hope today there was a large events with foster parents training and  attending the gathering.

Homes of Hope is a Foster Parent Agency and its role is to train and certify foster parents.

The Homes of Hope works with the county and most of the funding do come from the county
I believe today  it was a training day for all prospective foster parents.

As the event took place the Homes of Hope prepared food for all the attendees.

I myself had a good lunch

I had some Posole

A salad and a warm soup.

I had brought my lunch with me today, however I ended up taking advantage of the food offered here at Homes of Hope.

After lunch more of office work in the office.. about my daily blog. Obviously with all the commotion going on today I had no time to call Simona, I talked with her this Morning anyway... I am going to talk to her again later today.
The plan for the day... cooking and perhaps gym..
I am not sure about it yet. We will see how it goes.

Enjoy the reading

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