Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday January 25

It is a good Wednesday in California.

A cold weather yet a dry one.

I slept well and wake up by myself.

I am trying to catch up on some sleep at about 6:30am I am waking up.

The light is coming up later during the day.

As every morning I took care of myself and called my family.

Today the boys were already up and running. I talked to  the both of them and later they went to school.

It is a nice day to walk in the park.

A every morning I am enjoying the early hours of the days.

My morning walk brings me to the paper kiosk as well.

I am purchasing my daily newspapers with the money I have from the reception.

Today it my day for the receipt of money management program.

As part of the money management program this morning I gave at the reception  the change and receipt for the grocery and the outing.

As a matter of fact last weekend I spent only $60.69 for food. It is a first ever for me as normally I go over the budget. I am trying to rotate the food I made and stored in the freezer. It is good to rotate it on a regular basis. This is what I am doing during this time. Except tonight I am going to cook a chicken broth.

I returned the receipt with the money left over -oh don't forget the penny- at the reception I was told.

Obviously the  XXI century has not arrived at CNS yet.

Nowadays there are more efficient ways to move money between consumers and merchants.

For instance using plastic.. Obviously it has not caught up with the local reality at CNS.. still a penny based economy.

A penny here penny there then you quickly  find yourself as a real  millionaire.. if you see where this matter leads.

Park this morning

Anyway I  have myself a good breakfast
I had a healthy and fulfilling  cooked Oatmeal, blueberry with cereal and Organic Milk.

I completed it with  Organic High Fiber Multi grain Medley.

It is all good and healthy.

Regarding the receipts I am going to keep the outing money and receipts until later today.

In the evening I am scheduled to go to Great Clips for a Haircuts.

Pricing $14 plus $2 tips =$16

Yesterday evening my Case Manager called the Eyeglass company regarding my eyeglass.

I was there earlier during the day and they mentioned both lenses need to be replaced because of the damage that occurred to one of them.

 It did not click to them to go a step further in the conversation and explain to me what they told my Case Manager on the phone. 

I feel they are not really providing any service by switching on their brain when the people are working.

At the phone they told her that  very likely they might be able to do it on the same day.

Anyway It is sounds like a solution is near.

Moving on.

I had a quick and light dinner and then went to the gym

I had a stuffed pepper from my freezer and an apple.
I had my metagenics meds and left.
Yesterday a NRS from CNS wanted to check my meds.

I told him that only Nursing is allowed to check the meds, no other personnel from CNS.

The guy told me he had a degree on urgent care... Well as a matter of fact that  degree does not quality him to wear a white shirt nor to get into the medication cabinets of my apartment.

I am sure the line has been drawn very clearly.

And in fact the nurse Miss Araceli came with another NRS Maria Fernanda to check it.

I signed then out at 4:25 pm. I walked by myself at the gym where I arrived at 5:05 pm
I was well on time for my class.

I had the chance of catching Karen's cycle class.

The second class I had was body pump with Ellie. Light weight and repetition. 

Fatiguing  the muscle with repetition and form.

Finally I had a third and final class.
Zumba with Mike. This is an OK class. Not much of a fun any longer. I should resolve myself to skip it all together.

Afterward I was really exhausted and hungry.
I had brought with me an  apple as a snack

It is a good way to quickly refuel carbs for the body.

Mr Diego from CNS came to pick me up at the gym at 7pm.
He drove me back at the apartment. I signed back in and got ready for my night.

Over there I showered got another snack. This time it was a peanut butter, honey sandwich.
Protein and carbs.

I had my sleeping meds and waited for my evening Ambient pill. 

It came at about 9pm. Janie brought to me.

As always this is an induced sleep and  there are no dreams in it.

My brain is artificially put to sleep and has no dreamlike activity at all.

I had a good induced sleeping time. I am always using hear plugs and the retainer for my teeth. The retainer is because I grind my teeth during my sleep. It is not surprising after all. 

It is all standard procedure to me.

A couple of things before lunch.

Together with my tooth paste I am using baking soda to brush my teeth. 

It looks like my  teeth are  brightening and whitening up.

It definitely sounds like I am supposed to protect my teeth by limiting to two times at weeks the use of the baking soda. It is noted.

I also using baking soda in the apartment to absorb any kitchen odor.  I use it to clean the faucet and the white surfaces.

This is a very versatile compound to use in the apartment: cleaning, brushing, deodorizing.

It sounds like it is very capable to remove stain on fabric.

Reading thought the link  it  can also  be used to absorb any odors in my gym shoes. 

We will see how this matter goes next. It is my next little project.

Surprise surprise this morning I went to the AAC read the newspaper with the salient news of the day and then came here. 

I consulted with Amanda and agreed coming here is the best choice rather than following alternative leads I was given.

I had a very quick lunch, standing next to the microwave as the table was busy.

One thing I learn trough my sejour here is to eat while  standing and quickly.

There is no place to eat in  peace... in this place. To chew your food calmly.

Apparently this is the country of the fast food, also the place where there is  a total lack of understanding of the benefit of eating slowly and calmly. The land where eating well and healthy is really an option for the few.

I learnt to gulp down my food and to care very little about its status. It is always good and healthy food.

This is matching the local tradition of eating no matter what and no matter its status.

It is obviously something that needs to be rectified ins't?

Also the noises at the apartment are many, grass cutter wake up call to drink...

Really a wonderful and pleasant environment for sure to make sure the adrenal glands are stressed to work at its maximum.

Then you ask do you have any headache, is your shunt OK today... well only minor nausea.
Enjoy the reading
Giuseppe Rossi

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