Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thursday January 5 2017

It has been raining in Bakersfield California
It has started to pour down water.

I am left with a broken  umbrella.

Today my shunt is hurting, also I felt I was about to vomit. At AAC Melissa gave me something for both my upset stomach and my shunt.

This is what I get a lot of times.

My mother in Italy is very concerned with her own security.

In fact just the other day she had a thief getting into her house.

She was away and he had time to steal some of her valuable items.

In Italy people do leave in apartment houses.

We talked about being time for her to take actions toward protecting a bit better her apartment.

She mentioned she is in the process of doing it as so as soon as possible.

The least of my concerns is this matter. I left Italy many years ago and never looked back once.

I feel bad for many mother. She does not deserve this misfortune.

By the way today I had money from CNS... as expected - already alerted- I did not get any Personal money. Normally I have a Personal Account that integrates CNS money with additional $40.

As a matter of fact  the Personal Account had no money left. My wife had been informed at some point.
Obviously not soon enough. The procedure is for her  to sent a check to replenish my personal account

Well in my opinion this is a very ancient procedure. I rather would like to see an automatic payment set up from her bank account into my Personal Account at CNS.. this is the symbol of modern time...

Clearly it is not a modern enough time with CNS that runs of paper trails for everything. Receipt here and receipt there... never heard about the modern time dear CNS? Oh by the way we are in the XXI Century for something.

Breakfast today.. is the same breakfast I have every day a light and easy breakfast not worthy of my time or of your time anyway. So guess it, it is  based on the picture below.. it is the same as the other day.

Let's see yesterday night I distributed the latest schedule - because at CNS patients are expected to get served with this.. mind you  nobody ever has enough Cognitive Rehabilitation brain power to distribute the famous schedule. They are all waiting to be served...There are some that ask to be served with two sheets so I serve them by understanding their absolute necessity.

Obviously I am the only one distributing the schedule as I  am the one that remember to do it..

By the way as a matter of fact when it come to book activities there are so many people booking it... 

"C'est la vie mon pot, pourquoi tu ne vas pas a comprendre qu'ils sont negligentes"

Je ne cherche pas à connaître les réponses, je cherche à comprendre les questions (Confucio)

Why don't you understand they are missing something in their brain and they require assistance from NRS's, while I am Independent for all the operation of daily living...

By the why at CNS nothing is really done on purpose to take care of things that matter to me: driving for therapy for it..

By the way patients are asking for reading the horoscope as well... sorry I can not resolve myself to do a futile action. They believe it the horoscope.... well they get their own newspaper and they read it by themselves. I frankly do not believe in such a generic and artificial writing... I can not believe a words it says... basically I am too grown up and/or educated to feel a positive relationship with it.
 A day of strong nausea overall.

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