Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday January 16 2017

I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope in Bakersfield.

This is my work place I came here as much as I can. I like to be in this place.

It is a voluntary placement for me, yet there is nothing more voluntarily than when you do it with enjoyment and when you look forward to come to this place again the next day.

My weekend has been as always busy with all sort of good activity.

Last Friday  January the 13th in the afternoon I went to the 24 fitness gym by myself.

I signed out at 4:20pm and arrived at the gym at 4:50pm

I had time to do a little bit of Physical Education before my class started

I did abdominal crunch, chest press, rotary torso and more chest press.

As always I  am using light weight and focusing on repetition.

Finally Caroline arrived for my Zumba class.

Here is a picture with CarolineFun Fitness in pink at my left hand side. At my right  hand side is  Salve

They are both nice ladies of the communities and I enjoy very much their presence.

I enjoyed very much the class and the environment.
Particularly I enjoyed very much taking part to the gym environment with Caroline that leads the floor.

Once in a while  she has a new song we have to learn it. 
Mostly she has the well known tunes and  the class has learnt  the steps.

Zumba with Caroline is always  a fun  time for me.
Put me at the gym and I have always a lot of fun.
Caroline had her own library after a long time. I believe she is a full time librarian.

I came back with CNS as it was too dark for me to walk back by myself.

The agreement with CNS is that whenever I need a ride I can call for one.

Last Saturday January 14 2017 I spend my day with the usual and recurring tasks.

I cleaned the whole apartment. Kitchen, Bathroom, tiles, my bedroom and taking care of the dust.

I changed my bed, washed all my clothes. I used the gas dryer in the 500 building to drying them out as always.

Later at 10:30 am it was time for me to go to my favorite Grocery Shore. It is Trader Joe's.

I purchased great organic produce, white meat, Olive Oil.

I steered away from the Marketing offering that Kenvas was showing.

I stuck to my Grocery list. 

The total was  $91.20.

Before leaving I took a picture with Jamie (at my back side on the right)

She is always looking happy to be there.
Obviously I am happy too whenever I see her on a Saturday.

She is always making sure I buy the right grocery food and she is taking care of her many customers. 
She has a great customer attention, always a good word for everyone.

In particularly I know I can always rely on her. She can trust me and I can trust the whole store.

At the store I found they had pure salt for cooking (Sale Grosso) and Chicken Flavor Cubes (dadi da brodo). I hope these two items will stay in the store for some time.
My wife Simona had sent me the Cubes via Amazon prime before.
Right now I am going to test the Trader Joe's one. 

However I am happy finding it at the store here in Bakersfield.

After Grocery shopping was done I put away all my food.

I wrote a letter to my kids and sent it last Saturday.

It is written in English and block letter. In it I am encouraging them to focus on the good things of life by  keeping doing their activities. 

The letter was sent within California  to La Canada.

It requires only one stamp.

I  talked this morning to my wife. She mentioned that they have not received my  letter today.
It has been a long weekend as there is a Martin Luther King federal holiday.
It will be for tomorrow.

I also wrote a letter to my mom back in Italy. In Italian my mother language.
This time it goes to my home town Verona, Italy.

It requires four stamps.

In the evening I had dinner before going to the movie theater.
I had a meat ball with Quinoa and a chicken broth 

At the Maya movie theater I saw the movie 
Patriot Day.

It is based on a real story.

It tells about the marathon that took place in Boston and about the bombing that took place during it. 

It is a sad and real story, yet it tells about the heroism, the resilience and the American spirit that is the back bone of this great country.

On Sunday January 15 I wake up with a sharp pain at my right eye. Tylenol for it.

I had a healthy breakfast 
It is always the right part of my head, the part that has been affected by my head injury.

Anyway I alerted nursing and they put me back together.

On Sunday morning I went to the St. Philips church on Stockdale.

Father Salvatore Gonzales was officiating the service.

He is a very nice and good man. I enjoyed very much his service.
He mentioned that in April he is going to Santiago de Compostela in Spain as a pilgrimage.

At church I left $5 of offering 

At church I met Rose and her granddaughter Cassie Marie.

Cassie was ecstatic, she told me she  had been accepted at a local school for  Physical Education (PE) degree. 
I am glad she has planned out her near future.

After church I had a quick lunch and went to the gym.

For lunch I had a staffed pepper and a slice of polpettone.

I signed out at 1:45pm and arrived at 2;12 pm

On Sunday at the gym there are no classes, I enjoyed following my own program.

Here it is.

I worked on the stair master at level 6 for 60 minute and I covered 4.65 miles.
This is good for me as it improved very much the way I am walking.

I improved it from level 5 to level 6.

I also worked on multi mode trainer level 5 and I covered 1 miles of robe pulling in 17 minute.

Cassie Marie recommended this machine to me to strengthen my back muscle.

As a third item I worked on abdominal crunch, three set at 30 lb and 20 repetition each.

Finally I accurately  stretched in the large room before leaving.

The manager at the gym used to be Naomi, then Frank and recently is Adam.

They are all good people. Erica has been the transitional manager for a while.

I called CNS to let them know I was leaving. At 4:20 pm  I started walking back and at 4:52 I signed back in at the reception on time for my Metagenics.

What is my weight right now...
Good question here is the latest value I had at the apartment.

Right now I am 176 lb. I feel well and strong.
Picture as this morning at the apartment.

According to the web I am within the normal range.

My wife Simona is at home taking care of the kids. She is helping them as they have a project for school.

She has sent me  a few things I asked her.

I asked her for a long sleeve sport shirt and long socks as it is getting cold here in Bakersfield.

She mentioned that it will all be delivered this Wednesday January 18th

Enjoy the reading

Time to go

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