Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wednesday January 18

I am feeling better and less cold.

I am using my winter clothes to stay warm.

I slept very well last night and I feel well rested.

My night byte works really well.

This morning I had the first part of the money management completed, it  is the day for the receipt.

Tomorrow I will have my actual fund available at the reception.

This is being a warm  winter. The meteorological service confirmed it is being the hottest winter on record since it started to keep the record.

The world is getting warmer and warmer. It is expected some rain for the next few days.

I did my laps in the park this morning to feel the temperature and enjoy the open air.

I took the bus to go to AAC at the Mt Vernon Clinic.

I gave a few stickers around there.

I read the salient news of the day to the patients, I greeted my Case Manager  and  at 11am I came here at the Homes of Hope to work on my memory blog.

I distributed my stickers around already.

I gave it all to Destiny for the kids at the daycare of the Homes of Hope.
She is going to distribute it with care making sure they do not get used in any  unsuitable way.

The park this morning, terse air and cold temperature.

Simona and the kids are fine. Simona at Caltech and the kids to school.

 I slept well last night and this is what matters for the time being.

I had a good breakfast: Oatmeal, cereal, milk and Organic Trek Mix.

A bit of coffee with foamed milk.
I cleaned the apartment before leaving.

Yesterday evening I went back to the apartment. I made myself a healthy dinner.

I had a left over Basmati  brown rice.

I mixed it with a couple of eggs. I added some  Parmesan cheese, milk  and seasoning.

Only two eggs, as I did not want to get sick for eating too many eggs at once.

Here is the nice brown rice, in a bowl with the above mentioned ingredients.

I cooked on the stove a great frittata. 

I used Coconut Oil on the pan. It is a healthy way to cook with Coconut Oil.

I flipped back the frittata to brown it equally on both sides.
Obviously in doing so it broke.

I had my dinner and went to the gym.

I signed out at 5:20 pm and arrived at the gym by 5:40 pm. I walked to the gym by myself.

Once at the gym I called Anna at CNS to let her know I had arrived.

At the gym I had body pump with Ellie and later Zumba with Mike.

While I  enjoyed my body pump class. this time I did not enjoyed the Zumba class with Mike.

I found it less than appealing to me. He is too bizarre of a person and I am not any longer interested in his class.

At body pump I am working with light weight and focusing in fatiguing the body with a lot of repetition. I am working in bending more and more my legs. It has historically being hard for me to do so, every time I am trying I am getting a bit more  there.

I will figure out something else to do rather than spending my time at the Zumba class.

When it was time for me to go back Josie (CNS) came on time to pick me up.

I am supposed to be ready to leave the gym by 7pm.

I went back at the apartment signed back in. I  get my evening shower and snack.

I took the few medications for the night and waited for my  ambien pill to sleeping before going to bed.

Ambien is a potent sleeping pill, it is administered only by Nursing. Whenever I am at CNS they are in charge while whenever I am in La Canada it is part of my medication pack.

Yesterday evening Simona was taking Chicco to an indoor trial  for basket.

Lapo was going with them as well.

Simona mentioned that Lapo was not happy about it.

Here at the homes of Hope I have a small table and a small computer to work upon.

While I was working I did not realize the passing of time. So I had my lunch quite late.

I had brought Basmati rice with Parmesan Cheese an apple and an orange.
A bit of coffee and finally I was ready for  brushing my teeth.

It has started raining. The rain will be with us until next Monday according to the following forecast

My plan for today is as following.
The new schedule is available at the apartment. Then at 5pm there is movie to be booked for Saturday evening. The plan is to finally catch the showing of Hidden Figures

This is a true story about NASA and the contribution of a team of African American women to the  space program.

This evening my intent and goal is to cook a good chicken broth.

No gym today as I am on kitchen duty.

We will see how the story develops later today.

In the morning I met Taylor at the parking bus. She mentioned she is an OT therapist at the Ashe Rd. clinic.

I greeted Corina here at the Homes of Hope as well.

Let's see how well their faces and name will stick to my brain.

Enjoy the reading

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