Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday January 30

I am afflicted by a cold and I am trying to get over it.
The local temperature and weather condition may have something to do with it.

I cough, my chest is at time tight. I am taking medication for it.

I had a good and independently made breakfast

This is the time to get a cold.

Anyway I had a great weekend.

Last Friday January 27  I signed out and went to the gym by myself for my Zumba time
Here at the usual nice and kind people at the gym.At 5 pm  I had my Metagenics and I signed out from CNS. I walked to the gym at  5:30 pm I arrived there.

After Zumba a CNS van was ready for pick me up.

The morning of last Saturday January 28 was spent with the usual activity of the weekend.

I cleaned the whole apartment.

I took care of washing all my personal clothes and cleaning the apartment.
Running the vacuum cleaners on the floor tile

As I had time I cleaned the carpet in the living room

Next it was the time for both bedrooms. Mine was the first one.

I carefully cleaned my bathroom using the cleaning products in the apartment.

I washed the floor in both the kitchen and bathroom

I looked around for any dust that needed to be taken care of.

Finally it was all looking good and smelling good.

At 11 am I had time to do Grocery Shopping at Trader's Joe.

As always I had a very pleasant experience. I purchased most Organic food.

A lot of fiber and healthy ingredient for a great grocery shopping.

At the store Jamie was happy to see me there. It is an hectic time at the store, yet she manages to carve a minute to snap a funny picture with me.

This time my bill was  $118.98 

Which is a lot in itself. As a matter of fact the previous week I spent only $60.69

This averages to $90 a week. As I am given $75 per week I am definitely spending more than I am bringing in.

Here is my  shopping spree.

I like to cook from scratch and cook healthy. As a result my grocery bills has historically been on the high side.

Once back at the apartment I tagged all the grocery and stored it neatly in the fridge.

The bananas are going on the the counter together with the kiwis.

In the evening I went to the Maya movie  theater.
I saw the movie Gold. It is about a mining operation in Africa.
Everybody is convinced to have found a money maker business.

The mining  company that is searching for the gold believed it had found the jackpot.

Within a day the whole life of many  people is transformed as they all become  very rich.

The story shows what the questionable  influence of the newly found gold  on these people's life.

It is a dream that keeps going. It is  going and going until the whole castle come down crashing to hearth. The gold was not there it was only  fool gold.

Suddenly the whole castle crashes down to earth an many people loose the acquired richness.

It shows how much greed and personal ambition affects everybody's life. However it shows that people want to believe in a big dream.

Anyway I enjoyed very much the movie.

Last Sunday January 29 it was a pleasant but cold day.

I took my weight at the apartment. It is 175.4lb

 I had a good healthy breakfast

Cooked Oatmeal, cereal with Organic blueberry, strawberry, Cereal medley and Organic Milk

A lot of simple and healthy food.

Later at 10am I went to church. Over there the building was crowded.

My offer was the balance of the outing money, that is $4.75

After church I went back to the apartment. I had a quick lunch. I signed out at 1:30pm on my way to the 24 fitness gym.

I took  me 20 minutes to walk to the gym. Walking calmly and reflecting on the walk.

A good practice to get ready for the  workout.

At the gym on Sunday I am following my own fine tuned program.

I walked on the Stair Master machine -aka stepper.

I set in at level 5 and did the stepper for 60 minutes.

During this time I covered a distance equals to 4.69 miles.

It is a good exercise for my body to use the stepper at a regular rate.

I am trying to increase the speed slowly and steadily.
Afterward I had time to work on the multi mode trainer at level 5.

In this machine I am pulling a cord downward using protective glove for my hand.

I am covering the distance equals to 1 miles.

Cassie Recommended me to use this machine as it is strengthening the back muscle.

After ward I had time to stretch in the large room at the gym. Once the cooling down and stretching phase was done I walked back to the apartment by myself. I signed back in at 4:35 pm on time for a snack and my pm meds.

I spent my evening cooking and writing.

Here is the lentil soup I prepared. I diced carrots, celery, onion and potatoes.

And of course the precooked lentils soup from Trader Joe's. It was time to use it.

Of course Coconut Oil for a healthy cooking is a constant presence.

While Cooking I wrote a letter to my mother in Verona Italy.

I  wrote her to tell her I am fine and the family is doing well.

I sent it Sunday evening January 29. It will take several weeks to reach her in Italy.

There is something to be said about writing a letter and mailing it.

In today's world this  is a lost craft.
My mother emailed me these pictures. It is a letter that I sent her in 1986. Imagine it is 30 years old.

I sent her from a summer camp in Italy in Asiago. Different generation and different times.

My grocery bills has been increasing again because I used the whole food I made earlier and stored in the freezer. I  used all the food done back in time.
 Actually I am still left with a frozen fish and a pizza. I am not sure when I will find the courage to get to it.
Maybe the fish is going in a soup today.

We will see

Enjoy the reading

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