Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday January 31

It is the last day of the month.

Temperatures are falling and the weather is showing signs of cold.

Some more rain is expected for the weekend.

This is good for California as a whole.

The park in the early morning is calm and silent under the dense morning fog.

There are a lot of us suffering from the cold, some of us have a cough.
I have a cough, I am taking Congesta and Roubitussin on a regular basis.

It has reached me as well. I am suffering from a mild congestion.

I am taking Rubitussin every four hours has needed.

This morning at the reception I have found that I received a letter from my mother in Italy.

It contains a letter from her and a few things from my youth back at home.

She found an old postcard I sent her from a summer camp in Asiago
It was in a book she was reading.

She is always finding interesting letters and postcards from my early time in Italy.

It means I was taking good care of my family then. 

Historically I have always tried to take care of my mother, she knows it and I remember it.

I did my best to support her and to make sure she received the best help around.

Anyway this is the park this morning

I had a light breakfast. As I have been sleeping very poorly last night I called nursing in the middle of the night for a cough medication. I have a bad cough and consequently congestion.  This cough is in the community as well. It is something that is going around here in Bakersfield.

Nursing has been checking many times my lungs. It is all clear.

Yesterday evening cooking: egg dipped cod filet.

The defrosted cod fillet was waiting for a special preparation

I broke an egg in a container, added simple spice and dipped the cod filet in it.

Afterward I rolled the cod filet on a plate with flour and  panned it.

I cooked the fish in the oven on a pan with some Coconut Oil.

It cooked quickly and uniformly.

In the final minutes I used the broil for a quick toasting of the surface.

I had a quick byte clean it all and then  off to the gym.

A supervisor Cassandra  took me to the gym as it was a cold day to walk by myself.

I had Yoga with Lilli first

Afterward I had cycle with Alma.

She is the happy lady at my right hand. 

At  7pm it was time for me to leave. I stretched got a picture of the instructor and left.

At about 7pm another  supervisor came to pick me up from the gym.
I checked back in at the apartment. I cleaned myself, got a light snack and get ready for my night.

I had troubles sleeping well. I am coughing and feeling congested.

I slept very poorly last night.

I woke up early this morning. I  got mylight  breakfast 
Banana, Organic Whole Milk, Cereal High Fiber, Strawberries and Blueberries, Breakfast Trek Mix
A good and light breakfast

I cleaned everything before leaving.

I went to grab the newspaper and to walk in the park.

I took the bus for AAC. In the morning I greeted everybody. I read the newspaper with the salient news of the day. At 11am it was time to sign out and to leave for my work program.

Here I am working at my computer.

I had the chance also to place a few phone calls to take care of business that in my mind is important and  pending.

After my phone call I have been reassured it is going to be taken care once I am back at the apartment.

It finally clears this matter out.

For lunch a soup and the left over baked cod fillet. As a side an Apple.

The plan for this evening.
Well I am signed on for Personal Shopping at 6:30pm

This means I have the time of implementing the cooking plan I have.

I am planning to make Zucchini boats tonight.

I purchased the basic ingredient and we will see how the execution will go.

I am planning to take the time to improvise for the part that needs some improvisation.

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