Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tuesday January 10 2017

It is a warm day in Bakersfield.

It is hard to believe it is January.

I slept really well last night, I reached the REM phase of the sleeping cycle.
I am feeling well. I slept well without being disturbed during my night.

While I am sleeping I am using a retainer for my teeth. At night I have the tendency of grinding my teeth so the retainer is well suited to make sure my teeth are kept in the right position.
Since I have been using it with regularity the pain in  my teeth has subsided.

I woke up at 6am this morning ... I could not stay in bed any longer. The truth is that by 9:30pm I am going to bed as my sleeping medication -Ambien  - get delivered to me.

I had a great coffee and a complete breakfast. A lot of milk, blueberry with Omega Trek Mix, Cereal High Fiber, a banana, yogurt with chia seeds.

Here is my coffee

I had the time to clean it all by hand, looking around for a few other things to clean. 

This morning  did my usual walk in the park, it is very nice. The rain that soaked Southern California  has produced its effects. It lowered the temperature and provided a bit of much needed moisture. In addition the air quality has much improved there is no much dust suspended.

Back in Italy, my mother is doing well, she is taking care of some important business related to her house. I am sure she is doing everything in the right way.

Yesterday evening I had a quick dinner at the apartment and then quickly signed off. I had my gym day. I went at the receptions signed out from the apartment and walked to the gym on Gosford by myself.

They asked me if I wanted to have a ride, I politely declined as I felt I wanted to walk...a good warm up exercise.

I arrived on time for my classes after 30 minutes of walking. I called the CNS to let them know I was at the gym. I had Yoga with Lilli -simple and easy gym exercise coupled with breathing. Everything went fine.

Finally after Yoga I had static cycle with Misty. I enjoyed the ride. The teacher invites the class to modulate the resistance of the static bike to emulate a real life riding experience.

It all went well and later at 7pm I was done. I stretched accurately snapped a picture with Misty behind me. She was ready for my picture as at the gym they know me very well.

At the gym the usual great fitness people: Maria, Tom, Damian, Abjur.

The manager Adam showed me how to use the latest app of the gym on my phone.

All I had to do is to delete the old app  as it did not work any longer.

I already had the latest one installed and it was  going  in no time. 

This is what the latest app look like.

Right  now everything is set up.

I came back to the apartment with Niki an NRS working for CNS. It was too dark otherwise for me to walk back by myself. I normally wear a black sport suit in a black night... it is not safe to walk  by myself without a light. This is the agreement with CNS.
I am allowed to go by myself but in the evening my preference  and for my safety it is best to take the van from CNS.

Simona and the kids are fine. She called me at some  point this morning when she took the kids to school. I rushed out from my shower to pick up the phone.

This morning I went to the AAC at Mont Vernon Avenue aka the old clinic.

Over there as every day all I had to do was to read the newspaper of the day with the salient news. At 11am I signed out and came here at the Homes of Hope.  At AAC I gave a white milk Chocolate that I had purchased to Miss Amanda the  the director of the center. It is to be shared with everybody over there.

She is going thru some rough time, at least she will enjoy a good milk chocolate.

My lunch has been very colorful and very healthy: Chicken broth with warm tostadas.

An apple and an orange. A lot of water and only a bit of coffee.

It is all good. I am eating healthy as  clean as I feel.

I have lost the drive to eat bad items, too salty, too sweat, too much.

At the Homes of Hope I am surrounded by little kids. Historically  I have ben involved very little with the upbringing of our kids. As many American people are teaching they are all about large family and many kids. The average US family has in the average two and one half  kids on the other hand Europe in average has only 1.6 children

The difference between the New and Old Continent is statistically very significant.

Both continents are shrinking their population size.

Statistics are very interesting to look at for understanding the trend of any given situation.

By the way soon or later I need to have a haircut.
It is that time of the year again.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Giuseppe, I grind my teeth and have also found that a retainer my dentist recommended works wonders! I used to think I was dreaming that I was grinding my teeth, but one night a friend of mine stayed over and told me the grinding was audible. I hope the retainer continues to work out well for you!
