Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thursday January 12 2017

It is a rainy day in Bakersfield. The falling rain is limited the place I am going outside in the park.
I slept mildly OK.
Breakfast is OK, Oatmeal, cereal milk, coffee and a banana..

I went to have my money management today, I was expecting to have an extra $40 from my Personal Account. It is written in my own Program.

Well of course this morning there was no  money for me except the normal cash I get every two weeks.

$75 for food and $24 for Outing.
For a while I had to proof myself   and to tell them  I know what I was talking about. In my own view I was asserting  my expectations based on the Program that CNS has been given to me.

Just in case you are requesting proof of what I am stating here is a picture of the program for your perusal
There are two highlighted lines. Please review the second one. It talks about the extra money situation.

 I called Simona my wife and put her on the speaker to have Vanessa C to speak with her.

Simona told me that all she did was to mail  the check to CNS last week.

Finally after scrambling to get the money  my IPC she said she was out yesterday..Sorry for that...

My own assessment :

As  a matter of fact it is easier for me to get money from Italy and from my mother rather than my Personal Account and CNS. . But you all do not care at all. Obviously your job is not on the line.

 My mother is taking care at her best of me right now, as I took care at my best of her long time ago for another issue. I remember it, she remembers it. we all remember it. Right now she is doing great back in Italy. I thank her for her strength and determination to stay well.

We both know how it went at the time.  This time around  is a different situation and she is taking care of me a bit.

Anyway after all this ordeal CNS in the person of  my IPC  finally showed up and delivered on the expected  money ...
And all this ordeal is  for  a miserable $40, however it is a matter of justice and honesty. 

Miserable $40 because nowadays in Bakersfield it is a small treasure for me.. good job you little miserable person.

I am frankly looking at you CNS and feeling the miserable status am hell  I am living with you.

Yesterday evening I distributed the schedule to all the patients, and booked at 5pm for movie.
Obviously everybody is expecting to be served with the schedule and nobody is caring for distributing it. Some also have even the guts to requests two copies of the schedule.

They have the guts to ask, but do not have the wiliness to go and get it by themselves.

Oh by the way when it comes to sign up for movie there is always a line of people in front...

Let them take care of a few things next time around.

Of course I do not have any advantage of doing this activity...

Finally I had something to eat, signed out and walked to the gym  by myself.

I had static cycle with Cassie Marie Tessandori and later body pump with Sylvia Walker.

Sylvia's daughter has started to come to the gym with her daughter Nina.

I used light weight and focused on repetition as always I am doing.
If I use too much weight my body hurts. Whenever I pump iron too much my shunt hurts.
I know you know we all know it.

At 7pm I was ready to leave the gym. I was under the impression that my program is saying at 7 pm transportation is supposed to provide a service for taking me back from the gym to the apartment. 
I was happily waiting for you guys..

Of course I called the number for the apartment I have in my phone.
This is the program provided my the Insurance at CNS. Read the third paragraph from the bottom.

I waited until 7:30 pm and there was nobody in view, nor CNS could provide me with a time of arrival. Briefly CNS failed on getting things done...

At 7:30pm I took off by myself and returned to the apartment by  myself walking in the night with my black workout suit... black background with a black dress.. perfect for being seeing by cars at night , don't you agree dear CNS and Jolanta Baranoski?

Is the contract above any worth to you CNS, and Jolanta Baranowski?
 Perhaps the paper written and the ink is setting too much of an expectation?

Congratulation CNS there will be Somebody holding accountable for your bad Service..

I am ready to give you all an F for Failure

I walked by myself back... obviously when I was arrived at La Petite,  Kyle and the other transportation guys showed up to ask me - if I needed a lift
Do you enjoy the night picture of the road taken yesterday night? I should have pulled out the camera to snap a picture of the transportation guys smiling... you should have seen them.

I came back and signed in by myself...
Of course s  Complaint form was duly filled in and provided at CNS as a feedback for what is worth anyway.. I have yet to see any corrective actions related to this matter...

I was feeling frustrated and taken advantage of.

I took my shower and a snack.
At the time of getting my Ambien nobody showed up from  Nursing.
As a result I walked to Nursing to get it by myself...

Great Service for  a certification of reliability of CNS Bakersfield.

Overall it is a great service to the Insurance, CNS and everybody there

Time to eat anyway..

My lunch today here it is for you.

It is a stuffed bell pepper and a rise whole grain medley.

The bell peppers come directly from the freezer in my apartment.

Today however I am going to cook a chicken broth and will not go to the gym.. It is grocery shopping list day so I am taking my time to review the food status situation and to cook  something good.

Tomorrow is Friday and CNS is providing lunch, however I do not trust them at all. I will be bringing my own food with me. Different choices and different tastes.

In my opinion my taste is clearly and most definitely  more refined than most other american people.

Not to offend anybody but this is my own view of food.

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