Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday January 9 2017

It is Monday January 9 2017. I went to the Mnt Vernon Clinic as always and stayed as little as possible signed out and Miss Adriana drove me at Homes of Hope.
As a result I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope in Niles Street.

It has been raining last night. It is good
this morning I had a good light breakfast.

Chia Seeds with yogurt, blueberry and Organic milk.

In the red bowl, cereal, Omega Trek Mix, Milk and High Fiber Cereal

It is a 59% Carbs, Fat 25% and 16% Protein Breakfast

After breakfast as always I walked to the park, I got the last newspaper of the day. It has started raining and it is wet all around.

After all this part of the country needs water for the hot season.

California has a two seasons system: the first one is a fire season and the second one is a  rainy season.

I had a good and relaxing weekend. I enjoyed very much my activities. 
I selected carefully the ones I enjoyed the most.

At the apartment last Sunday I took my weight.

Fully dressed it  is 179 pound.
I reported at the clinic by email and let Amanda know about it.

Last Sunday January the 8th it was the celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord.
 I went to church at S. Philippe the Apostle on Stockdale Hwy.
It was the last Sunday that the Nativity scene was displayed.
The Three Wise Kings were added. In the Catholic Tradition they are the three wise man that visited baby Jesus in Bethlehem at the time He was born.

The tradition is such they presented Him with three gifts.

They brought Gold for Kingship, Frankincense for Deity and Myrrh  as symbol of Death.

Because I did not feel going to the movie last week I was left with the whole outing  money, that is $24.00

I gave it all as charity to at church. They are going to be using it very well.

I distributed the money at church between  the charity offering and the ushers. 
In my view I feel I did the right choice. A big charity at church is a sign to appreciate its message.
At church I greeted Cassie and her grandma Rose.

After church I had something to eat and signed out from the apartment. I went to the gym on Gosford.
signed out from the apartment at 1:30 pm and walked by myself  to the gym.

I arrived at 2:04 pm or 34 minutes later.

I called CNS to let them know about  my location and started my work out.

First of all I did 60 minutes of Stair Master  for a total of 4.17 miles.

It took me about  60 minutes to cover this distance with a steady step size.

Afterward I did 4 sets of repetition of rotary torso. It was set at 20 lb.

As a third exercise I did the multi mode trainer at level 5. It took me 18 minutes to cover a distance of 1 mile by pulling down the robe.

Finally as a fourth exercise I did leg press. Four sets, each set composed by 20 repetition. Each repetition was set with a weight of 100 lb. Considering that my body weight is 179 lb this is well within my body range.

At 4:15 pm I was done and came back to the apartment by myself. I called the reception to let them know I was coming back. At 4:40 pm I signed back in at CNS.

As mentioned you Last Saturday I did not feel going to the movie theater.

The overall operations is efficient but it was not for me.

I stayed back and rather spent time writing to my mother in Italy.

Soon it is her birthday so I thought by the time the mail will reach her in Verona, Italy it is about the correct date.

I wrote her a long letter in Italian my native language.

However I am not using it too much in California as there are no native speakers around.

I speak  Italian with my wife and kids. However the kids are fully English speakers and they prefer using English as they were born here in US.

Typically the mail takes a few weeks to go to Italy. On the contrary coming from Italy it can take up to a month time. Different distribution and efficiency system.

On Sunday I had received an umbrella. It was sent to me by my wife Simona. She used  Amazon Prime. This is a good service and it is making a  lot of sense for people that leave far away like we do. It allows to exchange unopened items free of charge.

I am prepared for more rain as I have a new umbrella.
Last Saturday morning I took care of cleaning the apartment.

I washed all my clothes, changed my bed. I  did the usual and normal washing  of the weekend.

At 10am I  then went to Trader Joe's.

Over there as always I had a lot of fun.
I purchased mostly Organic food. Stirred away from low nutrition foods.

The total was $91.35.

It is all good, I like to eat healthy and I have always food with me.

It is OK.

Jamie is always very nice with everybody. She is very busy with her customers. However she always finds a moment to stop and to snap a funny picture with me. 
It is OK, she then tells me that I am expected to show up in a week time.

I stopped by to talk to Josh about his two months old daughter. He mentioned that she is trying to seat up and she wobbles a lot.

Kenvas is always nice with me. Overall I like shopping at Trader Joe's. 
Everybody is friendly and very helpful.

I am always the last to leave the store as I like to have a personal experience at the store.

I received a letter from Italy. It is from my mom. In It there was a letter and a Settimana Enigmistica 
for Simona. It is a weekly publication with puzzles and riddles. Something she liked doing in Italy. It is to keep your mind sharp and in exercise.
You get the idea from the picture below.

Last Friday January the 6th  In the afternoon I went to the gym by myself for my Zumba class.

I signed out at 4:40pm and arrived at 5:15pm on time for my  class.

At the gym the usual group of people from the community.

Caroline the teacher in Red. Next to her Salve in black shirt.

Next to Salve, Saira in bright orange. Behind her Lee. Finally on the left of the picture it is me Joseph.

Here is another picture with Caroline next to me. There is a better lighting in this picture

Joseph, Caroline, Saira and Salve

Overall I am enjoying this cardio fitness a lot, it is based on music and the songs are repeating on a regular basis so that the class knows how to move.

I believe that Caroline is a full time Librarian in Bakersfield.

It was too dark then for me to walk back by myself and I came back with the CNS van,  after CNS was able to round up everybody. You see the low point in my opinion is to wait for CNS to decide to come back. There is always a glitch and I am always ending up waiting at the reception for them  to be ready to make sure they have all patients ready to leave.

Well at least I am doing what I want to do for the rest part of the time... 

By the way over the weekend I run out of supply. Lupe the house keeper was not around, last time she forgot  to do a few things.
I believe housekeeping should have a master list of things to check and to make sure it is provided to every single apartment.

This is certainly the way I would like them to go around... checklist, checklist and checklist.

It is a document you put together once and that you keep using every time you are providing a house keeping service.

Too much of an expectation.

Of course I am fully aware on how to run this matter..: frankly it is peanuts compared to working in a real business environment.
Giuseppe Rossi 623

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