Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday February 17

I slept well last night and wake up ready for my day of work.

Yesterday evening I stayed back at the apartment and did not go to the gym.

I was busy cooking. I cooked some very delicious Zucchini boat.
Here are the Organic  Zucchini I carefully selected at the store.
It has to be thick for stuffing well.

Using a small pan first  I cooked  white Quinoa for the filling.

I chopped a bit of onions. 
I used  the big knife blade to smash on the cutting board a couple of  garlic cloves.

In the large pan  I cooked the Turkey ground meat with seasoning

I added the onion, smashed garlic, the cooked white Quinoa with the ground turkey meat per the picture below.

I seasoned it with pepper, salt and a bit of Organic chicken flavor broth cube

It browned for a while.

I then added the full content of the Organic Marinara Sauce.

Look at this beautiful picture. You can identify some of the  Zucchini pieces.

I let the mix gently simmer for 40 minutes. 

It is important to make sure it does not stick to the pan. 
I kept mixing  it well with a kitchen tool.

I cut  the zucchini longitudinally and  carved them by carefully removing their hearts.

During this step a small tea spoon is a very useful tool to use for carving.

I then chopped the hearts in small pieces and added back to the mix.

Finally after simmering very gently for forty minutes  the filling was ready.

I let it stand for a bit  to cool off.

After several minutes  I started filling the Zucchini boats with a spoon.

I paid attention not to burn my fingers with it.

I laid an Aluminum foil on the top of my Baking sheet.

I  sprinkled the Zucchini with shredded mozzarella, Monterrey and Jack cheese.

At the very  top I  added a bit of cut Parsley.

Finally  It was all ready to be cooked in the preheated oven at 350F

It cooked for about 40 minutes.

In the mean time I have been busy cleaning up the kitchen, I loaded the washer  and later I had time for writing a letter to my kids

It is good to be able to express oneself in writing.

Beside this activity is called THP (Therapeutic Home Program)

Here is my  letter for the boys.

The purpose of this activity  is to enhance my  eye hand coordination and my  fine motor skills.

Our kids only read block letters, no cursive writing.
So here we go,  they  are in good shape.
I am happy and feel fulfilled as a parents.
Right know our eldest Chicco is an avid reader. He is 11 years old.
Our youngest Lapo is 7 years old and still to little to appreciate it.
Yet I am writing to include everybody. Time will come for him to read it as well.

I know I am doing my best for both our kids.

Today is a very windy day in Bakersfield.

I took a brief stroll in the park near the apartment to get the blood flowing in my body.

I was almost blow away by the wind.

I took the bus to go the AAC over there I greeted everybody Amanda, Victoria, Jolanta my  Case Manager I read the newspapers interacting at my best with other patients. I read  the news of the day.

The status of the Oroville Water Dam is on the front page.
There is too much water at once in the state of California.

The infrastructure can not handle well all the load the rainy weather is being generating.
We will see how well it goes in the next few days. It is supposed to be raining for the next few days.

Time for lunch.. a quick break
I had a couple Zucchini boats from yesterday. 

Today my Case Managers gave me some delicious clementine to eat.

 I  just had it for lunch.
Simply delicious.

Most likely she has a clementine tree at her home.

Well done and a good gesture of kindness from her side.
It is deeply appreciated.

Here is a picture of my light and delicious lunch for today.
Staffed Zucchini boats, clementine and an apple.

Of course I went to the Old Clinic in Mt Vernon this morning.

I greeted everybody interacted at my best with the other patients and at 11am I came  to my work program.

While checking out I was asked by Amanda for a simple procedure.

She took my temperature and my blood pressure.

In rolling my sleeves I got distracted and left behind my Caltech water bottle.

I realized it afterward when I was here at the Homes of Hope.

Ms Barrios drove me from the clinic here at my work program.

Then I called Miss Amanda at AAC  to ask to located the water bottle for me.
She mentioned that she has found it and that she will be sending  it  with the van that drives me to the  apartment later today.

You see  one moment I have something in my hand, the next minute I get distracted and  I realize it is missing. I need to work on memory and attention. 

What has been done has been done...don't sweat the small things. 

Well the water bottle is a present from my wife Simona.  I have an emotional attachment to it as it comes from my wife Simona

It has a Caltech logo in it as she is working at Caltech in Pasadena.

Today it is my gym day. Most definitely I will be going to my Zumba gym and have a great weekend.

I hope that my wife Simona will decide to stay put and avoid the road to Bakersfield. As right now there is too much rain to drive her from La Canada.

I  am sure she is making the best choice for the family

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